Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Yea, but who uses fleshcraft lol. :joy:

I honestly forget I have it most of the time. That 4 second cast timer is too much.

Edit: I can see using it like RIGHT before the final Torghast boss fight. Cast it and fleshcraft before combat to get a good buff and shield at the beginning of the fight. So I won’t say it doesn’t have its uses.

/looks at this

/thinks for a minute.


/spec DW frost anyways :stuck_out_tongue:

Hopefully they look as good as that one or better.
A lot of braided hair looks like a piece of rope stapled to someones skull.

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I done well in wrath with frost when it wasn’t the meta, I can do it again :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember back in Wrath being like “DKs can dual wield? Cool! I wanna do that!” But at Wrath launch, DK abilities only hit with the main hand, so iirc dual wielding was kinda weak. When they later added a talent to the Frost tree that made abilities deal damage with both weapons, I happily went dual wield Frost.

Now, after it’s been absent from the game for so long, I’m happy to see two-handed Frost return. I haven’t started playing my DK yet this expansion though, so I’m not sure how I’d play her.

DK duel wield thematically looks so weird to me. I have one of each spec, so I have a duel wielder, but it always feels like they always be just smashing faces with the biggest two handed weapon available.

(My Panda (who I believe is blood) doesn’t count. She wields a guandao looking polearm because I’m a sucker for Kung Fu movies and evil martial art sorcerers.)

Not always. There is that one with a sheild we fight as a boss.

Then there is also thaurissian, my favorite DK npc. They also seemed to have darion morgraine DW now for some reason.

I could be wrong, but I think the Obliterate animation was different in Legion and BfA, so it looked less weird while dual wielding.

Also, if you find dw Frost to seem off, you could always switch to 2h Frost. It’s looking stronger than dw anyway so far iirc.

They did changed it, I noticed that too.

It looks great with a 2 hander, but odd while dual wielding. When I saw it with a 2 hander, I was like “that looks awesome!” and I thought it would change animation depending on whether you were dual wielding or using a 2 hander. But it doesn’t, which is odd.

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Hmmm… I’m gonna be honest to say it doesn’t bother me as much, but I did liked the BFA version better, simply because it looks much more brutal.

I wasn’t saying that they couldn’t use different weapon styles. Just that it’s weird to me to see it.

That’s true. I forgot that frost gives you the choice to duel-wield or two-hand on weapon choices. I might have to change things up on that toon.


I hear you. All of my DKs have always been unholy (except some tanking experiments that didn’t go particularly well) though - so it’s nice to see that they’re in decent shape. :slight_smile:

New options are already in game, incase no one knew that.

I have one of each spec, but Unholy is the best spec thematically. Don’t @ me.



You’re right. Unholy just feels the most like a Death Knight to me.


Well it is, of course. :wink:

MurgAlt™ Confirmed


well your not wrong but, frost is far bettah :stuck_out_tongue:

Also don’t like the pet mechanics unholy has :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s the most necromancy feeling of the three which is why DKs are (probably) my favorite class. All my DKs would probably be shelved pretty quickly if they ever actually brought necros in.

Lol fair enough, but not me. I think if I blow all my CDs correctly and have everything going I can have something like 15 undead out at any time. I like to call that move the “I don’t feel like fighting this elite” ultimate attack.