Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

You get a heart but also an extra heart but also an lol.

Actually a double heart and a double lol.

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It does make sense to have a certain classes order hall being predominately a certain race. The first paladins were humans, so it makes sense for their to be more alliance paladins. Shamans however, make very little sense for it all to be dwarves and draenei. I mean, the draenei learned shamanism from the orcs. Shamans have always felt like a orc class to me, is weird they’re not represented more in the order hall.

Valeera and Varian weren’t actually together though.

Well mailmen are important i suppose.
So if a horde player forgets to loot a item in a dungeon they have valeera to thank for bringing it to them like a forgotten loot Santa? she does wear the colors.

She was still created as a love interest for Varian. Let me see if I can find the quote.

The source listed on wowpedia is this video interview. I can’t find the video itself, but it links to this page:

I could do some more digging, but honestly I’m too lazy at this point.

You don’t need that for a character to be the waifu of another character’s story.

They didn’t. Draenei learned shamanism directly from the elements.

It was in the comic with Varian, Valeera, and Broll Bearmantle. Can’t remember what its called though.

I’m referring to cinematics, actually. And if I had time (I don’t because I have to get ready for work), I know I can find stuff for both trolls and tauren–because I tended to favor tauren, at least, when I did quests because they were more in line with what I liked to do.

Please don’t take my comment as a ‘blood elves don’t get anything’–I was merely commenting on how they’re one of the races that don’t factor into the storytelling part of the game (cinematics, etc), which would factor into things like Rommoth being ‘replaced’. IE: He has no current story, really, so there’s no need to ‘replace’ him for a role that’s not even being looked at.

Draenei learned shamanism from the Broken. Smug Draenei always be looking down on poor Broken.

(This is a joke post)


Zandalari trolls aren’t Darkspear, they are not the same thing.

For about 5 minutes and there was no storylines about trolls through that. It as like “Vol’jin’s warchief now. Here’s a quest where he comes and tells you your garrison is cool. Now he won’t appear again until his death kthx.”

Wow, such deep tauren storylines.

Meanwhile, off the top of my head, blood elves had BC, all the Sunreaver stuff in Wrath, the Purge in MoP, Isle of Thunder, the siege of Shattrath in WoD, several appearances throughout Legion including the re-admission of the Sunreavers to the Kirin Tor and the siege of Suramar and then in BFA we had 8.2 with Lor’themar and Thalyssra.

Blood elves are very well represented. Arguably better than orcs.

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I just realized something too. While my priest’s level is updated
 his mog isn’t.

I’m so confused lol.

No, she only delivered oders from our superiors during a time of conflict
 because apparently we don’t have someone reliable enough and have to rely on Wrynn’s lapdog.


Sure, the Orc’s were definitely gave them their first exposure to it. The broken were the first to learn Shamanism, I think Nobundo was the first shaman.

I’m to the point I think the forums are somewhat broken and well clearly buggy. Haha. :joy: :joy: :joy:


I like Valeera, and I guess I would have to read deeper, I just never got the feeling that there was anything but friendship there.

It was their original intention, but it seems to have been dropped early.

Throughout the comic, Varian constantly refers to Valeera as a child.

Never use Vol’jin being the warchief as a good point. He was Warchief for a short amount of time, and then died in a opening cutscene. Not Blizzard’s greatest creation.


Warchief for an xpac and did nothing.

Stabbed by wrathguard No. 493745902

What a legacy.


Do trolls/Zandalari count?

He should have been.
RIP Vol’jin.

I have to agree with this. Like Lor for the longest time, all of his achievements were from the past–but game wise, he got shafted all the heck and back, which honestly ticked me off (and I think was part of what led to me not being fond of Sylvanas’ arc after that–because he was pretty much just used as a springboard for her.)

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