Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

What I said was about Blood Elves, not dwarves. You either play as a green eyed Silvermoon Blood Elf, a blue eyed pseudo Silvermoon High Elf, or a gold eyed Silvermoon Blood elf. There aren’t as easily accessible customization for Blood Elves. You guys suggested all these different skin types and customizations, but half of them amount to allied races. If they didn’t let Void Elves be customization for Blood Elves, why would they let all the other variations? I do agree that some races are obviously favored, Dwarves have different clans, as well as trolls and orcs. Tauren have the same issue, they have plenty of different variations, but you play as a Thunder Bluff Tauren. Not a Taunka, and High Mountain Tauren are a separate race due to the differences. But yeah customization is lacking.

Hmm, OK I’ll try and bring you some rain.

The largest contribution Alliance High Elves ever made to the narrative of the game was as villains during the Purge of Dalaran.

That do anything for ya?

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Sure, Human Paladins are played out, but this character is from BC/Wotlk. Little bit of hypocrisy here, coming from the undead mage. Lmfao

According to the statement by Blizzard the customisation is meant to represent high elves. Nothing psuedo about it, blood elves can be former high elves turned blood elves, which is just a name change. Blood elves are full blown high elves.


Then why are the High Elf fanboys complaining all the time?

Because they want the race copied over to Alliance.

I like the model honestly. I don’t care what my name race says. I just want to look good and play the faction all my WoW friends play. Blonde and white hair elves are popular in fantasy as well in general.

Because a very vocal, but probably small population of fans want High Elves to not only be playable but basically in a position to either take out Blood Elves almost completely or at least assimilate them back into the Alliance and “true high elves”.

The complaining comes when this either doesn’t happen or when someone doesn’t think it should happen.

You are seriously trying to make a comparison of the annoyingness of Human Male Paladin to the now made up by you annoyingness of Undead Mage, I mean really? :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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Ahh. So Alliance players aren’t happy with their shoehorn Void Elves? They’re literally just edgy Blood Elves. They want a 3rd elf race?

Oh yeah that’s the stuff.

It’s a bit of a running joke. MHP tend to have some extra hot takes sometimes, and that doesn’t change with High Elves, often trying to make them look more important than they really are.

One doesn’t need to be a human paladin to be an MHP.


How long have you played the game? If you played any classic you know the extreme abundance of undead mages. I literally couldn’t care less about what race/class combination other players play, or what they say about what I play. I’d recommend you do the same.

I like void elves. They’re pretty. The blues/purples are fun.

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I meant void elf recruits, not the initial batch.
I think you get that.

Don’t forget the female night elves, especially low level ones with their overdone and 100% original takes.

Fair enough, makes sense. New Night Elf Hunter or Undead Rogue?

When you are just reinforcing the stereotypes of why people dislike the class/race combo you are playing, yes I’ll judge you and so will everyone else.

And how many since HE fans like to count HE NPCs, do you see of BE recruits in the rift that make sense to have a statistic change of BE population?

“You took Teldrassil from us, so now we’ll demand everything in exchange! And even that won’t be enough!”

To mess with statistics, nine blood elves would have to be joining the void elves for every high elf that returns to Quel’thalas.