Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

The basics of shooting a bow are easily learned in a day. If you have a few more days you can get plenty of the information you need to continue practicing on your own even into advanced concepts. Even better we as a people have this thing called books, where we can write down how to do a thing and give it to a person to use later to learn more.

Theres plenty of ways to learn to do things over a five year period even on your own.


Again, putting words in people’s mouths and making stuff up, which we all know is your specialty

Nowhere did I suggest he was actually calling people in or anything. My point was that people like you are taking advantage of an already volatile situation, which I’d consider suspect on your part rather than his.

Again, I never suggested this, this is your disingenuous streak.

Pretty much this, this list doesn’t represent my interests either and I don’t support it. I also agree on the Lightforged options, they should be geared more towards solar and fiery themes which are more fitting for Blood Elves overall and if Blood Elf themes are to be kept under glass, everyone else’s should be too, especially cross faction.

Lightforged are also much more extremely limited in options than Blood Elves, they at the very least should have their options kept exclusive until if/when they get more.

No, that’s a Void Elf feature. If Void Elves can’t have natural tones, Blood Elves don’t need unnatural tones either.

Ah, if this is about the mishandling of Blood Elf additions then I misread your post and indeed agree.

Unfortunately this doesn’t seem to be the time for common ground as people trying to dictate what other people should get or even want doesn’t help this and if anything encourages the opposite. I don’t see tensions ending until anything more substantial is released for both races.

Actual opposition on the topic, sure, but personal insults nor intimidating people into silence shouldn’t be.

I would actually just prefer more Void Form style skin tones over wrappings, as again I don’t see the point in looking like a mummy or another race that Void Elves are clearly not.

If done properly. Neon colors would not be fitting of Void Elf aesthetic. Their appearance should be cooler and more subtle and neon is neither of those things.

Black and white are terribly basic, they’re not going to run against anyone’s themes.

No, I mean as in we don’t share the same tastes for said theme.

They all have their respective Ranger groups, so Blood Elves most certainly do not hold any more monopoly over the theme over anyone else.

The point is that they’re not being consistent. Those wanting High Elf options continue to ask on a regular basis, aside from the respective Undead threads(which aren’t nearly as popular as they should be) are the only people who ask for anything regularly.

And you’ve maintained your composure, others have not. I merely mirror the behavior I am shown.

I’m not going out of my way to be the change I want to see though, as it simply just doesn’t work.

I feel like this is applicable to many.

Well I’m not just going to lie down and allow a bunch of people to make comments at my expense either. They get away with it because they hold some sort of ‘popular opinion’.

I’m a reactionary person and make it a point not to instigate confrontation. If they minded their behavior I’d most certainly do the same.

Books don’t teach martial technique, only hands on training can really teach one how to fight. I doubt she had that baised on what is said here, at any level that warrant her being a leader of an elite soldier division.

Turalyon certainly didn’t have the experience to lead the entire Alliance army, yet he did so.


Turalyon was a knight before becoming a paladin. He was very much trained how to fight properly.

Turalyon was a priest before becoming a paladin.

Like Liadrin.


Actually he wasn’t.

Turalyon was the only one of the original Paladins that was a Priest before becoming a Paladin.


Your thinking uther buddies.

Contrary to the other paladins, Turalyon was previously a priest rather than a warrior.


Since he was a small child, Turalyon believed in the Holy Light, but he had never felt it directly. As a boy Turalyon had been forward enough, often devising the games he and his friends played or commanding one of their mock-armies when they played at war. But once he’d joined the priesthood all that had changed. He had taken orders from the senior priests, and then after they had brought him to Alonsus Faol he’d followed the archbishop’s instructions

Tides of Darkness, chapter 12

From the same book:

By the time of the Second War Turalyon was one of the most venerated priests in Lordaeron


Huff puff, you beat me by one second.

Also, I’m switching to Deemspring because I’m addicted to these tattoos.

Avoiding the obvious jokes.


I suppose your right, but he was trained how to fight by uther.

And Liadrin was trained to fight by the Farstriders.

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Yes, though not over a very long stretch of time. The Paladins were formed just prior to the Second War. That would give a maximum of maybe two years of training, but probably less.

If Liadrin is a Mary Sue by your definition, then so is Turalyon.

Seeing what you’ve said about Liadrin, consider the follow about good ol’ Tury.

He was:
-The only original Silver Hand Paladin that wasn’t a Knight
-Was an incredibly renowned Priest at a shockingly young age
-Was trained in a very short amount of time to become a master at arms by men who were busy learning faith magic
-Was made Lothar’s second in command for no specific reason beyond “I like you, kid”
-Turned out to be such a gifted orator, despite having no more public speaking experience than any other Priest, that he gave a speech that caused the human Kings to applaud and agree to form the Alliance
-The kings all clapped, even Genn, who was a massive jerk who despised the very idea of the Alliance and Perenolde, who opposed going to war with the Horde in general
-Was “so holy” he glowed with blinding light that stunned all onlookers, somehow
-Defeated Doomhammer in single combat with a broken sword due to his glowy faith
-Successfully leads the entire Alliance army to victory, not only in the middle of the fight against Doomhammer, but in the campaign to defeat the rest of the Horde
-Successfully rallies a new army that he can lead through the Dark Portal to defeat the Horde’s forces there as well

And that’s before we count any of the Thousand Years of War and his escapades with the Army of the Light.


Oh I see, so you were drive bying people who weren’t involved in the discussion you were having at all.

My mistake.

Thank god you don’t


Better then say a month/day of training, it actually sounds close to the right amount of time.

Again, you have no source for this.

The actual time she spent training under Lor’themar’s men is unknown.

I think blizz giving the Velf’s the blizz eyes now was a mistake. Give um an inch and they wanna take even more.
Allied races are gonna get more customizations later SO WAIT YOUR TURN.


Neither do you, and if going by what you say, most of her experience is slaying undead with little to no training.

Again, not enough to lead an elite soldier force of elven warriors aging around 1k years