Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

Might explain why forsaken didn’t much in customization so I do hope!

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I was hoping for an upright option, stitched skin, skeletal, and wild banshee hair.

Upright forsaken I can get behind. Stitched skin I would like too see some concept art/graphics on before I decide, banshee hair should be absolutely a female option.

No on skeletons though. I might be inclined though on full skeletal limbs.

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Beware of the demons you ask for lmfao

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wormsign! hehe (dune reference)

my draenei customizations. not showing up yet on forums.

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Are they planning on adding more customization options throughout Shadowlands past these initial changes? Does the addition of more options now mean that we will see more options added in the future?

Cosmetic stuff is so ubiquitous in other games to feed cash shops, which WoW has but only utilizes for pets, mounts, and a few other things. I feel like this feature improvement is overdue and I am hoping they really put a good amount of effort into it for all the races, allied included.

I feel like a parent trying to figure out the right balance of praise, threat, and incentivization to get my child to do the best that they can, for their sake and my own lol.


I think they said they were wanting to continue adding things, but I don’t remember hearing any concrete plans.

my belf hunter needs her red eyes!


halloween event going on now. got a char ya need to level up easy, just go loot pumpkin heads

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I love your BE :heart:

Do you have a BE mage I assume?

I just switched to using the braids hair last night and my forum keeps updating idk I’ve been lucky in that regard I’m also using blue eyes 8 rn I’m deciding which blue I like

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Eye colour 1 (the dark gold one) might work as a pretty decent substitute for now.


doh. hehe. like 4 i think. lol i’m always at max chars. altoholic. ty for compliment. wouldnt she look awesome with red eyes? match her pet’s eyes. and she has two of that same pet. when i summon one, a second identical one appears.

This is what I use on my San’layn looking Warlock. It works well enough.

(This is Lancelot)

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I’d like to see your BE casters :heart:

oh you’ve seen them before. but without the new customizations. fer example, my belf hyperspacing. thats her new shinies. love the dk haircolors they let belfs use now


Which blue eyes option do you like the best Hyper? :cold_face:

the turquoise color eyes that match the turquoise dk haircolor. what about you?

I like that hair option. Used it on one of my belfs.

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