Ongoing Player Feedback that has been clearly ignored, and not taken into account for Warcraft Direct. Every single one of these points has been talked about for a year+ and has thus far been completely left off the table at all.
Server Longevity: If a new Hardcore server is to be made, you should also be combining the Skull Rock and Defias servers to help keep their communities alive, while offering new experiences to the new HC server that are different options.
Hardcore Progression: Why bring in a brand new Hardcore progression server that stops at Vanilla content? Progression players want to progress.
Petri Flask Abuse: This is legit the same thing as a Bubble Hearth and a large portion of the Hardcore community has for a long time said Petri Flasks are cheapening the experience and people are over abusing them rather than playing the game the way it was intended. This would also be a second reason why someone would choose the new server over the old ones creating a place for everyone.
The Burning Crusade Server: Why are we not getting a Era TBC server now? We’ve been asking for one for literal years, and for you all to instead bring out yet another Classic Vanilla to TBC progression server instead of s simple TBC era server is a slap in the face. merge some of these servers and free up a server for TBC and TBC HC players.
Server Merges: Merge all existing Classic/Era servers for longevity. Open up new servers for other experiences that you’re not offering currently such as TBC and Wrath Era servers that stay with that content.