Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Tattersail is a 50/50 on that being safe.

In the Shadows Rising novel the Banshee loyalists are revealed to be in command of the Banshee’s Wail, with the ship having a new captain. So it’s currently unknown if they just stole it or if Tattersail defected and was given new orders, while Deliria Dawes became the ships captain.

I’m personally hoping that we can get a quest chain where we help Tattersail reclaim the ship.

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Then you lack imagination. A lot of it.

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Generally I think the most we’ll get is the arc wrapping up in Shadowlands and then it getting swept under the rug. Sylvanas will have an ending ambiguous enough that people can debate about her forever, Tyrande will die and be replaced by Shandris, or go back to normal, and the night elves will go back to that odd limbo of just being tall wood elves, and things will move on.

In terms of Forsaken, lands lost doesn’t factor because they did push the Alliance completely out of Tirisfal, having only lost Undercity and Brill. They can return at any time, just, much like the night elf refugees still around Stormwind, Blizzard does big things then drags their feet actually showing any payoff.

I’m personally of the belief that Teldrassil shouldn’t be regrown at all, and instead the night elf lands that are currently neutral should become theirs. Hyjal, at the very least, and then Felwood and Ashenvale fully restored. The night elves have had a narrative of ‘oh our lands or damaged or dying woe is us’ for 16 years now, maybe it’s time to show what killing all those corrupted bears and satyr actually did for cleansing Felwood.

Forsaken it’s a bit tougher, but it has been since Cataclysm. Their entire narrative goal was to get revenge on Arthas, which they did, and then they became tools of the faction war narrative not once, but twice, making it almost impossible to discern what their goals or themes are now. Pulling them back to Wrath era themes, at least in tone and aesthetic, would be a start, as well as making their Grand Executor leader, which is canonically the line of succession, none of this Desolate Council stuff… Brill can be rebuilt and Undercity can be cleansed by whatever Blight cure they have. And we know they have it… failing that, the recent Eastern Kingdoms guide suggests that the Blight around the Undercity is dissipating.

Ideally, a timeskip would be a good idea to cement all this, though the length is up in the air.


This is to much to ask for. We don’t need a repeat of WoT but in the opposite direction we just need on screen victories that make the Night Elves respectable again. Big victories don’t have to come at the cost of the Horde player it just has to make the Night Elf player feel like their race isn’t incompetent when facing off against the rival faction.

This is disingenuous. You assume Teldrassil can be regrown. There’s nothing that states this to be true. Ashenvale is at best in purgatory and at worst still controlled by the Horde and reclaiming Darkshore, while nice, was only confirmed in a Blizzcon question and later re-affirmed with a lazy cutscene that had existed since 8.1 but never got implemented until 8.3 and is, frankly, not enough.

Characters who are either displayed wildly out of character (Shandris) in order to push the Human potential narrative.

Never allowed to be competent (Malf, Tyrande) and always fall short despite us always being told they’re incredibly strong but never shown.

Maiev I will concede usually gets a fair shake the very sparingly few times she appears.

Sylvanas gets extreme screen time. Are you enjoying it?

This doesn’t address the major issue that Night Elf Players have with the story which is we’re never allowed to be an actual rival to any of the Horde forces. We’re only allowed to be a punching bag.


I mean Tattersail is a Dread Admiral now, so it remains unclear if she’d even be the Captain of the Banshee’s wail directly. But I take your meaning, and that is concerning. God, the really are going to do it aren’t they? They are going to whitewash the Forsaken entirely to shoehorn Calia into the Drivers seat; including giving her a supporting cast that works for her … not one she actually has to adapt to. Thus, all those recently deceased Undead who were in no way Forsaken by anyone; and have lives to return to.

Man, I’m getting this shaky feeling that Calia’s “getting to know her people” is more of the “gentrification of this poor neighborhood and kicking the residents out” sort of “getting to know”.


Pretty much. All the interesting, borderline Morally Grey Forsaken will suddenly disappear, leaving only the alliance leaning forsaken left, who just LOOOOOOVE their new Golden Queen.

I’m going to go puke now


I would love to see the Worgen show their fangs a bit. It feels like the storyline (in as much as they’ve played a role, which hasn’t been much) has been content to portray the Worgen in a more docile manner, almost as if it is intended to downplay any potential ferocity.

Personally, I would like to see a questline with the Worgen moving in to Darkshore, at the expense of the Horde, and protested by the Night Elves. Canonically the Alliance wins Darkshore and the quest could just play that out.
Afterwards, the Worgen could decide to keep their forces there and build a new home in Darkshore (strategically they would have the natural mountainous defenses and access to the water). The Night Elves would likely protest, wanting Darkshore for themselves (having obviously just lost Darnassus). In fact, I would argue your sentiments (“wait your turn”) would be a pretty fitting argument (though I think the Night Elves would get their turn pretty fast - either regrowing Teldrassil or building in Ashenvale/Hyjal/wherever).

I think there would have to be a change in leadership in some manner (because lately Genn seems to have lost his bad boy gene).

Why Darkshore? Nobody wants Felwood and Ashenvale is a step too far when it comes to pissing off allies, plus the Worgen already have forces there and the Night Elves aren’t exactly doing well in terms of population. Many of the Worgen fled Gilneas and went to Darnassus for sanctuary.

Why would the Worgen be willing to step on Night Elf toes? Worgen were initially created during the war between the Night Elves and the Satyr. Druids attempted to control their pack form, but instead became rage monsters slaughtering everything. Malfurion locked them in the Emerald Dream until (eventually) a partial cure came about to help the Worgen control their sanity during the transformation.

Just my opinion though. I think something akin to that would make the Worgen seem fierce and less subservient to the Alliance. It’s been a decade after all.

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I love those ideas, and if they implemented even a quarter of them, I’d be happy.

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Yeah I get wanting to make the worgen fierce and stuff, but I really don’t think victimizing the Night Elves again this time by their closest ally is a really great idea - or makes much sense.


Why does that have to be in conflict with nightelves? I feel its not unreasonable to think the night elves might ‘gift’ them a territory (or a portion of it) to call their own due to their support.


I think they’ve settled around Nordrassil which is a shame considering they have a freaking city Endre’thelas in Feralas which has been vacant for a decade. A city with the infrastructure which only needs minor repairs. They should rebuild it and we should see a revival of Kaldorei culture.

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Exactly this. I am all for Worgen getting their fangs back and being darker, but don’t do it at the expense of the Kaldorei who are objectively their greatest ally. The Gilneans/Worgen chose to help the Kaldorei first before the Alliance by going to Darkshore to help. They wanted to pay them back for helping escape Gilneas, they are eternally grateful and it makes no sense for the Worgen to screw over the Night Elves.

But if anyone believes that the Night Elves (and Worgen) and Forsaken are getting their homes back any time soon they are in for a rude awakening. Blizzard wants us all funneled into Stormwind and Orgrimmar, they want the Orcs and Humans as the focus so the homeless races are screwed.


Feralas is literally next to Mulgore where motivated goblins could just make a pass to get to. I think focusing on just closing off Ashenvale and Winterspring’s southern borders is a much better plan.

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The worgen are never getting gilneas. That dream died 10+ yrs ago. But you’re right, the kaldorei and Worgen suddenly coming to blows would be idiotic to say the least.

As the Kaldorei move to hyjal though, I can see the worgen forming packs and finding their own places to raise a family, while helping their elven allies. Which I think is the best move.


The Horde threw the kitchen sink at the Night Elves, even started the war with suprise coordinated massacres but even with that it was still an inch by bloody inch battle. That’s far from incompetent.


Lore wise Feralas in on the far corner of Kalimdor and game size doesn’t do justice to how big this primordial forest is. Ashenvale is unlikely to be held in it’s current state. We’ve had wars and battle after battle all across there. Astranaar was destroyed and burned to the ground. The dead souls of Ashenvale were so vast that they created a wisp wall for Darkshore. Winterspring is already settled with goblins and the few Kaldorei there are more of an outpost and I think dwarves have the winter theme already in place. However they can try to retake Ashenvale for the umpteenth time or they can settle faraway even if the Tauren are nearby. Do you really think that Baine or any Tauren would actually lead an invasion into Feralas to kill off the last of the Kaldorei? Nordrassil is okay for now, but it’s completely destroyed due to the Cataclysm and the Third War’s conclusion and not to mention the Legion invasion.

Oh agreed. Blizzard I think regretted adding worgen as soon as they did. Their models were jacked from the beginning, the Gilneas BG wasn’t as originally planned, the Gilnean side of Silverpine Forest to let them see the resolution was canned, and apparently a Gilnean district was planned but scrapped because it “clashed” with the rest of SW.

Feels like Blizzard regrets adding worgen honestly, or at least as Gilneans, I really think they wish they had made it so that ALL of Gilneas sunk into the sea during Cata.

Anyways, I am kind of split on worgen staying in Kalimdor, on the one hand I want them to keep their close relationship with the Kaldorei because that is the best thing Blizzard has done for them. However, I love the idea of the Gilneans/worgen moving to Duskwood and rebuilding there, so we see Gilnean architecture pop up there in “mini-cities” and then they work to save whatever feral worgen that remain in the area by giving them potions and the salve to restore their mind.


There were Tauren fighting on the warfront.


Welcome to the club, all of you.

Here’s your membership card.


That would be cool too. But honestly, I want them as far away from Stormwind and Human Potential as possible. Thats why I think them staying in Kalmindor would be healthier for them overall as a race/people.

Just tired of these giant wolf men being boot lickers to an 18 yr child with no military experience, who everyone bows down to and doesn’t dare question