Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

You mean to tell me there’s a whole discord of you?!?!?! *cringes in abject horror *


Quite frankly, if you two or for the matter anyone else in this forum are having arguments in Discord, I’d appreciate it if you can do us all a favor and keep them there.

Droite has not made such an argument HERE that I can recall unless it was in parody of the claims that certain posters feel that the Night Elves should have defeated Saurfang’s army all by their lonesome, and I don’t see the point of airing Discord’s laundry here.


yeah, i thougth the adaption-argument is over…

No one’s having arguments outside the forums to my knowledge. It’s a comment that I felt was worth posting here after someone commented on the discussion.

Droite also isn’t stupid. They don’t flat out say “Goblins should beat everyone because technology.” but that’s it their posts boil down to.

So in other words you’re taking arugments here into Discord. Are you going to shuttle ball Droite’s reply back there as well?


I didn’t take anything from the forums into discord. You can read the forums without an active sub, Drahliana. I know you’re dishonest but at least try to be less transparent about it.


Says the 21 post classic NEP alt


Technically it’s transparent, in that’s its immediately obvious who both posters are, but maybe not intentionally.


Care to explain the following then?

That whole screed mentioned Droite BY NAME. so that reply was to a discussion HERE.


Are you unaware that people can read something in a forum and then discuss said something somewhere else?

I don’t care. Such discussion isn’t appropriate here, especially when used to bash a fellow forum poster by someone that can’t be replied back to.


If Droite wants to respond to it they can. And furthermore you’re not the arbiter of what is and isn’t appropriate for the forums. You don’t own this space.

I see the NEFPAs are at it again, and using their own echo chamber again(Discord) to bash those they know can’t properly respond back too.

At least post on your main Elluriah.


Not playing Retail, nor did I buy Shadowlands, and currently leveling up in Classic. So.

No I’m not arbiter of this space. But I reserve my self the right to call posting about someone behind their back outside the space of their participation a cowardly act of bad taste.


You’ve got worse offenders to talk to then.

Point is, and I agree with Drahliana 100% keep the dumpster fire discord responses where they belong, on discord.

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“You’re handcuffing me officer for stealing a pack off cigs?. You should let me go and get those guys two blocks over who stole a whole box!”

You’re the offender in hand at the moment.


Good thing you have zero power here and don’t get to decide what is and isn’t a crime.

You seem extremely fixated on denying me a power I’ve never claimed to have.

Or perhaps your education didn’t include what “having an opinion means”?

Or maybe perhaps that posting an opinion on a public forum means that you might get a response. Or that response might be a critique?

Or maybe all of this is an acknowledgment that you can’t respond to my points directly?