Content to remedy the intolerable Night Elf and Forsaken situations

Isn’t the water that sweeps past Orgrimmar basically a Nile River? That should have made it an extremely fertile place for farmland, even with the rest of Durotar being junk. From what I read, it’s basically what made Egypt so prosperous.

It’d also be a little weird for the night elves to go “uh balance of nature, no fixey” while simultaneously ignoring an irradiated fallout zone, if that’s really what Durotar is. Is that from one of the Chronicles books or something? It’s the first I’ve heard about it.

I’d rather just take the meta view of it; horde bad because.


That’s like saying “Americans should all go back to the UK and leave the US to natives” lmao. They’ve been in Aerie Peak for like more than 200 years now. “Just pack your bags and go back “home” to a place you’ve never lived LOL” Not to mention that a lot of their culture developed in the Hinterlands (Gryphons, shamanism)

It’s really not though. I’ve looked it up and nowhere did I find anywhere mentioning that the Wildhammer moved trolls away to build Aerie Peak. They just found a neat spot in the mountains after the war of the three hammers and built a city.

I believe so yeah. The Barrens are an extension of that.

Neither region can really support the type of Deciduous Forests that the NEs are keen on, and they apparently did try. Largely because of consequences of the arcane energy of the Sundering. Like, its part of the reason for the Wailing Caverns issues, or why the Overgrowth is so hostile in Cata. There is all this chaotic energy twisted up into knots in the land of that region. On top of that, the river flowing through the area doesn’t really seem to have a natural flood plains cycle.

That isn’t to say with a lot of work and resources it couldn’t be made arable. But I would say that it would need Shaman, Druid, and Arcane experts to work on it. Which, thankfully, the NBs could maybe help.

i think you are confusing durotar with desolace. Durotar is part of the Barrens, where the northern part lost its forests and therefore they are trying to restore them, but this has been going on for 10,000 years. Durotar itself is not.

Except for the whole “Dwarfs apparently don’t hit middle age around 200” in the Warcraft Universe thing; and if the RPG is any semblance of canon … can get to 450 years old. At most, its been A generation since they moved to Aerie Peak. Regardless, they screwed up their own homes, and then started moving in on one of the last true bastions of Forest Troll territories that people have left. And based on their activities in the Hinterlands, they are an aggressive, invading force. But, Trolls are always the baddies so … whatever.

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No … Desolace is the once Tauren great plains that had its soil’s health depleted as a result of them mistaking Theradras for the Earth Mother. And as a result of waking her up, it caused two effects. One, she fed off the health of the land making it infertile; and due to that life energy she consumed seduced one of Cenarius son’s, and spawned the centaur. Who went on to betray their father and attempt to eradicate the Tauren. That wasteland has its own amazing history.

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Oh, okay, screw every single Dwarf that was born there then. I suppose your lifespan determines if you get to keep your home or not.

Get these Orcs out of Azeroth then.

No one was living in these mountains. If we give value to claims of land ownership without anyone living there, then the Goblins should leave Azshara right away.

They are not a “force”. They live there. Aerie Peak is the Wildhammer’s capital.

Yet you want them to start another aggressive war based on flimsy land claims from more than 200 years ago right after a massive world war.

i don´t remember this fallout explanation of Durotar, could you post the source pls?

Nvm … its me conflating the Emerald Nightmare of the Wailing Caverns that has since apparently spread to the Overgrowth (and then later the Azerite in the Wailing Caverns); and the heavy “environmental” changes of both regions due the Sundering.

Oh, no problem, it can happen to anyone.

durotar is not a "arcane fallout " region, it was never a “green place”, its have a few forrests, but was never a dschungle or anything other then a rocky place, the reason the night elf don´t change durotar is…because durotar is almost the same as it was in the past.

Both Undercity and Brill, which was a popular RP site are just as gone as Teldrassil.

Was it really? Because with how the sundering worked, wasn’t all of Eastern Kalimdor increadibly inland and heavily forested before then? I was under the impression that the reason they didn’t regrow the Forests there was because they could not? The biomes were just no longer hospitable due to the Sundering for such plant life to survive.

Like, I doubt its still cannon, but kind of how in one of the comics its mentioned how Feralas would likely give way to more Tauren style plains over time. The Forest there was on the decline.

This IS the World of WARCRAFT, after all.

The night elves have also started to work against corruption in the Plaguelands, already in WC3, Malfurion.

They wouldn’t have left Durotar like that if it wasn’t already, if they wanted to start healing and cleansing and rebalancing even places like the Scourge Plaguelands where they actually have nothing to do with.

I’ve only seen this line used to justify terribad lore in order to push non-sensical wars between red vs blue, I see that hasn’t changed.

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Kind of, yeah. Because if the impetus for taking another groups land is reproduction, then the Goblins and Azshara should never be in question again. Not that it should be anyway, because Azshara was part of a trade deal between the Horde and NEs to give the Horde less reason to need invade Ashenvale. A deal that the NEs broke first due to the fallout of WotLK and the Wrathgate. Azshara was a gift, they don’t get to just demand it back because they broke the other parts of the deal out of false pretenses; and then the predictable happened … the Horde invaded again.

And yeah, I would not mind if the Horde helped the Forest Trolls secure a place for themselves in the World, in the one region of the World they still held until the Dwarves screwed up their own homes. Its the reason that Stonetalon, Desolace, and Feralas are also something I would gladly fight for on the Kali side. I would also give up Hillsbrad, Southern SP, and GIlneas … but according to you the Forsaken should never give those up. The Forsaken claimed those fair and square, the Humans/Gilneans are out of luck. The Undead have held those lands for over a decade now, its theirs to keep.


i mean, how could you argue in terms of “Real home” and then say you want to fight for feralas, the real home of the highborne night elves?

Lmao, a “gift”, it was given to the goblins and the Horde so they stop invading Ashenvale and killing Night Elves.

Would be nice if you didn’t include your headcanon as if it was reality - Aerie Peak was not inhabited by trolls when the Dwarves built it.

Feralas is literally home to the biggest Night Elven stronghold and the Horde has no claim to it whatsoever.

I like that you equate settling on uninhabited land literally in the mountains to invading and plaguing a whole population, driving them from their homes and then not even settling the place. Jesus.

In her defense, she didn’t say anything about claim, she said she would fight for it.

Yeah except then she laments the state of how the Horde is portrayed as villains - only to suggest the Horde invading random places in Azeroth (???)

The Horde isn’t in any position to invade anything right now if they want to keep the villain bat away.