Contemplating N'Zoth and the 'death' of the Old Gods

He lives in the shadow priest dagger now or some nonsense.

Deathwing was in hiding. N’zoth was imprisoned.

I’m pretty sure Y’shaarj is also perma-dead.

No argument with the rest, though.

I’m sad I won’t hear anymore of that great voice of N’zoths

Here’s what I don’t get about the whole story of Legion/BfA/N’zoth/Azeroth…was Magni speaking with Azeroth? Or was N’zoth whispering to him? It’s almost as if the writers want to have it both ways. Ilganoth alludes to him being made a pawn. Azshara does the same, going further to say that the HoA was never intended to heal the world but instead to free N’zoth. It seems like they wanted to have this big twist that everything we thought was a lie, but at the end of the day that ‘lie’ doesn’t matter and what we thought was the truth all along.

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He was never killed in his own realm. His physical body was slain in the Great Dark Beyond by Aman’Thul but his Heart was able to be resurrected(signifying that his Soul is intact) before it’s energies were absorbed into Garrosh!

By Blizzard’s definition Y’Shaarj is still alive.

N’Zoth is the only dead Old God.

The heart was an organ of an old god, surely it’s corruption can be potent if the actual being it belong to has died.

I could buy it if Y’shaarj is still around in the “In case we need another old god to fight, break glass” seal, but considering how the Titans themselves popped him like a zit, I’m pretty sure he’s super-dead.

Popping Archimonde like a zit outside the Twisting Nether he’d reform in the Twisting Nether.

Popping Y’Shaarj like a zit makes his reforming in his own realm necessary unlike Mannoroth who was able to be reanimated through his corpse outside the Twisting Nether before he could reform inside it.

Just to make sure you understand… Nzoth, Yogg-Sarron, C’thun and Y’Shaarj are not the only Old Gods. They are just the ones that landed here… The Void Lords spewed out countless entities into our universe.

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The only beings that were permakilled in their own realm are Demons and they even retconned that.

Your link specifically says “consider them dead” while leaving an emergency plot open.

Hopefully we never see this Old God nonsense again.

Maybe. Blizz sometimes lies about the lore to try to throw us off.

N’zoth’s tactic is messing with the mind, what if we only thought we killed him because that’s what he wanted.

It’s a stretch I know, but in Blizz’s world dead ain’t dead. If they want to do a story about a dead character, they make a way. i.e. Guldan, Illidan, Kael Thas.

Yup. And it was implied that Knaifu aka Xal’atath might be some form of Old God as well. And she’s out there, doing who knows what.

Not G’huun. He is not an old God. He is a hybrid created here. He was not made by the void lords. when that slug died, he died for good.

And no not maybe. He is the only Dead one. He did not get hit with some little laser beam. He got hit the re-origination Array, focused through the death star laser beam lens of the HoA. He got rearranged. There is no old God to send back to the void. He is got deleted from existence.

Yup. That did happen, and N’zoth is DEAD.

Until he isn’t. Blizz likes to retcon things and often times dead isn’t dead.

WoW’s story basically suffers from DBZ fatigue because the story has been going on for so long there really isn’t a good way to write a competent story. That’s not really Blizzard’s fault, but they try to overcomplicate the story by being clever instead of just keeping it rather simple and it usually doesn’t work.

No one is ever really gone.

I thought it was the other way around. From what we can tell, most of the Nightmare is the orange insanity stuff which is N’Zoth’s theme. Then there’s Thros, a death realm, obviously Yogg’s theme. N’Zoth has been quite a mover and a shaker compared to his bros. Emerald Nightmare, at least a good portion of it, Deathwing therefore the Cataclysm itself which rattled his chains and began his wakey wakey eggs and bakey process. Then the Naga and yes Azshara attempted to backstab him but he knew her whole plan even before she thought of it because he has Sight.

Unless your a Broxigar. He is really dead…

He went to the Island of Misfit characters with Med’an.

The old Gods do not have anything to do with the other realms. They are the only force not tied to any realm but the void. They are invaders of those realms and enemies of all of them.

Thros is not yogg’s. He cant touch it. if you look at the current wow cannon cosmic chart the old Gods are not apart of the 4 extra realms. They merely invade it all, like a cancer. And just to push that point Death is the only realm that the old Gods can not manipulate and assault. It is the only realm they are afraid of. This is why the Burning legion created the lich king. To create a force that can openly oppose the old Gods. And they could not do anything to stop the lich king. They would have to openly fight him. Physically on his terms. They could not manipulate or corrupt him. Which is why he had to be dealt with…

And no most of the nightmare is not orange. It is red and black. You can literally walk into the nightmare as a druid. It is not orange…