Constantly stuck in combat

Anyone else just perpetually stuck in combat in the maw after this reset? WTF is going on, 17 years of this, making millions a month, Blizzard you NEED to do better than this


You know, I skim-read this at first, and I saw “I’ve been stuck in combat for 17 years”.

I was honestly amazed lol.

I’m sorry this is happening to you though


Doing the maw in 9.2 kek


I’ve been getting this more than usual too. And it isn’t some random critter. I have to run it off. Gets super annoying when it doesn’t drop.

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I was unaware that anybody still went to the Maw.


Yah, there are still people doing stuff in the Maw

You should reroll Night Elf , Shadowmeld make the game so much more enjoyable , broken racial

Can you elaborate?

Cackles in feign death.

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laughts in fake death

but yer, sometimes mobs have a massive agrro range. when you finally hit them they run back to there normal spot

This happens to me constantly in Zereth Mortis. It’s super annoying cause I don’t have flying yet and will never be able to complete the quest chain.

I suppose indie company and all so I guess it’s forgiveable…

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This is on my wish list for 10.0 - they fix this bug and the tab targeting mess.


It happens to me in ZM all of the time. You are tagged as combat but you can stand there and they never show up. You wonder, which one is it and where?
Shadowmeld sometimes helps and feign death sometimes helps but I think brother poco tags mobs on the fly too.
It sucks.