Constantly Stuck in Combat in Zereth Mortis

Constantly Stuck in Combat in Zereth Mortis Its happened after just about every time I’ve entered combat there.

Edit for zone name correction.


Glad to know I’m not the only one, feign death isn’t even getting me out of combat. I had to go back to Oribos and then return to ZM. Really annoying !!

Also having this issue at the moment, I thought it was related to having pocopoc out but dismissing him didn’t seem to do anything, only way to remove it is via death or oribos/hearthing

Also having this issue. Vanish does not fix it. Literally entering stealth with nothing near me puts me into combat in ZM. Why even bother?

I had to fight an invisible mob stuck under the map to get out of combat. Except the mob was also already dead, it had no hp. I kept swinging and it died a second death.

I’ve been fine on rogue and mage; it’s my DK that keeps getting stuck in combat. Weird.

grp with someone in a diff phase. fixed it for me

Had this happen to me in ZM. Twice within about 5 mins. Hearth the first time, came back to ZM, killed one thing - stuck in combat again.

This has not happened to me before. Warlock. Dismissed demon, didn’t work. Sigh.

Persistently getting this bug on my paladin. Happens with and without Pocopoc summoned, auras on/off, re-entering combat, walking halfway across the map, and is generally a huge pita.

Has anyone noticed if this is covenant specific or not? I’ve only had this occur on one toon and she’s venthyr DH. I tried swapping soulbinds but no go. Taking.? a look at all the various classes and races this is affecting. I’m not seeing a consitent pattern. Could folks say the exact races, classes, covenants they are encountering rhis on?

This is still happening. I would drop combat only by changing phases using the LFG tool. But when I would drop that group and return to my phase, the bug would return, too.