Constantly stuck in combat in korthia

I’m getting stuck in permanent combat in Korthia. Relogging doesn’t fix it. Dying and using anhk doesn’t fix it. Dying and running back seems to fix the problem.

This is almost unplayable


Didn’t have any problems with being stuck in combat all week till this morning. I have to die or go to oribos to get out of combat. This is stupid that they make us pay our monthly fees to test an alpha of this content…

Same here. I hearth back…come back to Kor, I kill one mob, then I’m forever in combat. Sucks especially since I have WM on. Doesn’t seem fair that alli can mount up no problem, but yet I’m stuck in combat…I’ve been in combat for over an hour…and I’m in Keepers Respite.

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I’ve died on purpose…got my body back…kill a mob…and I’m still stuck in combat. Been like this for over an hour, and I’ve logged out and came back in…just to still be in combat

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Stuck in combat here in old raids after finishing fights or encounters that have no more mobs or bosses to attack or to be attacked by. Been in combat 5 minutes after ICC gunship battle just waiting to loot the chest. No mobs anywhere. Stuck in combat a few minutes later after the Champions of the Alliance encounter in the Trial of the Crusader raid. Just sitting in combat with no mobs around, cant loot the chest.

Bump. Stil getting perma combat. I aggro something in the Maw/Korthia, and combat doesn’t drop even if I kill the mobs. Dying doesn’t fix it, hearthstone does fix. Literally cant mount unless I leave the zone by instance and rezone

Alpha? WoW has had issues with being unable to reliably determine a character’s combat status since the very beginning. I’m experiencing this in Korthia as well - it’s ludicrous that it’s 17 years later, and we’re STILL reporting this fundamental issue.


It’s ludicrous that you think bug reports actually work… The only bugs that are fixed are when the developers themselves encounter them on the very rare chance they stop playing FF14 to play WoW…


Weak that this was first reported 14 days ago and its still happening. Although this is the first time it has happened to me. Very strange I have done my dailies every day since 9.1 and this is just now happening. Just fighting one mob and cant get out of combat, invis does nothing… so ridiculous

That is because they don’t care man, they are a small indie company remember?

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Happening again. Started when I was at the Vault of Secrets, just running past things while mounted.

I discovered while I had the quest to join up with Heirmir and enter the vault of secrets to recover the Primus’ sigil, the NPC’s Heirmir and company, will combat bug you anywhere in Korthia if you fight anything at all. If you are on that chapter of the campaign finish it out and this problem should go away.

Has anyone been able to find a fix for this? I’ve had this problem on and off ever since Korthia came out weeks ago. I’ve reported it multiple times. There is no way to get my character out of combat except for leaving the zone or dying. Sometimes I enter the zone, kill a SINGLE mob just outside of town and that’s it, I’m stuck in combat again.

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I haven’t gotten permanently stuck in combat, but I have been stuck in combat long enough to run halfway across the zone. This seems to happen in other SL zones, but not as bad (the Maw comes close.)

(Then there’s the baffling “being agroed from a long distance” weirdness in Korthia. Is it related?)

This is the first day this has been consistantly happening to me. Ive been in Korthia about 20 minutes today and Ive been stuck in combat 5 times. It hasnt been in one particular spot either, its been all over the map.

edit: i logged out for a minute & it stopped happening. I think it may have put me on a new shard when I logged in, not 100% sure.

With you there on this issue. Never have I felt it necessary to add my input in for a bug, but this is really frustrating. There is no drop to threat unless you leave Korthia entirely, and stay away for 20 minutes or so. Makes completing these dailies more time consuming than necessary.

Started happening to me again today. Was fine for a long time after this maint this bug is back. Can’t say I’m surprised tho.

Happened to me this morning before reset. Could not shadowmeld or feign out of combat. Could not disconnect while feigned and log back in to clear it either. The only way to clear combat was to leave the zone and reenter, and as soon as I entered combat or was attacked the problem re-emerged.

I suspect the problem may have something to do with World Quests.

Sad thing about this decade old problem, couple of easy fixes. First, that’d really help, is some way to let you find out who the hell you’re in combat with. Ultimate solution would be option in Help menu, like you got to freeze in place for 60 seconds without any activity and the damn In-Combat flag gets turned off.

It is 9/29/2022, the release date of dragonflight was announced today, I’m new to shadowlands, I have tried to quest in the maw and korthia today and as soon as i engage in combat i am stuck in combat. I have hearthed to oribos 4 times to drop combat, because dying doesn’t drop combat in the maw, hard closing the game doesn’t drop combat, the only thing that drops combat is hearthing to oribos, but as soon as i get back to the maw or korthia and engage with a mob i am stuck in combat again. I think ill be skipping these zones completely, shame cause i really want the tabards that go along with the rep, but this is far to frustrating to deal with. Not being able to fly is one thing, but not being able to mount at all is very annoying, not to mention i cant sit down and eat at any point either if my health gets low.