Constantly getting lagged in keys. Brother Lags at same time and lives on opposite side of town. Chat works

So my brothers and I play wow together. We live on opposite sides of town. Pretty frequently we get lag at the same time, which only affects WoW. When this happens, the game chat works fine. During these events the mobs and players are all walking in place, and we cannot send any abilities. Seems to be an ISP issue to wow servers, but not really sure what to do with this information. Any advice would be appreciated!

ISP is optimum.

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I’ve been having the same issue with the Oceanic servers, with two different ISPs and on mobile data. Only seems to be an issue with WoW.

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Same here… no matter what I do and I’ve checked my ISP also. 490mbps down and up.
Blizz support, any ideas? This started right after maintenance today.

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Been happening to me for awhile as well. I don’t have any packet loss on any of the hops either, so its insanely hard to identify an issue. Tried with my ISP, they say they can’t do anything. It’s the only reason I haven’t pre-ordered War Within at this point.

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As I recall, there are two kinds of latency and we can mouseover the ? to see them. Local and World. I think local is chat and world is the game with it’s animations.

And I think that there are hotspots in the game, like fllying over a quest area in the Emerald Dream that is very large – it has to be loaded in and so causes strain.

So its definitely not due to a “Hotspot”. This has happened dozens of times to me and my brother simultaneously. We live about 25 minutes away but use the same ISP. We also have a friend in the same city that also plays and it happens to him as well at the same time.

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This would be an ISP issue if it is happening to all of you. You would want to ask for someone who knows about routing issues as it is happening in different areas within the same city/town.

Right but if its happening in different part of the world, but the same issue, is that really an ISP issue at that point?

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The Op laid out this was happening on the same ISP in the same City/Town to at least 3 people so my answer to them still stands.

Chiming in “me too” doesn’t give anyone a clue on what your particular issue is. If you are having an issue, and it looks like you have been having one for some time, then please post your own thread with all the relevant information that you have tried to fix the issue.

I just had an issue myself with lag in game during raids. Turns out an addon was the leading cause. Once the addon was removed and I did a full UI reset, saved all the other addon info and added it back after the UI reset, I had no more issues. Had another friend in the same guild that was experiencing the same issue of lag in different places turns out it was their router causing the issues.

Good luck to you either way.


I mean the issue is pretty unique. Not fully dc’d from game, can’t do anything… can’t cast and everyone is running in place except for me. Chat still works, etc. Net is fine, and it doesn’t reconnect. If you’re going to just say I “me too’d it”, I think it’s pretty apparent I meant the same exact issue as OP is experiencing.

And I do have a previous thread I’ve made about it, and there have been multiple other threads for the past few months about it that pop up periodically with an identical issue. But not enough people are experiencing it for the threads to ever gain any traction, so they eventually just get buried. But clearly multiple people are experiencing it.

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This is a client-side desync. Sometimes clearing your cache, flushing DNS, troubleshooting like that can repair it. It can happen when bad packets are being sent or received, or a myriad of other reasons.

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Just got this on aussie servers, didn’t realize it was an aussie group until it was too late. Ended having to reconnect 3x in 20 minutes.

Full reinstall of Windows and playing with no addons didn’t resolve the issue, along with full resetting my router. Not seeing any packet loss when running WinMTR tests.

Client-side desync will not look like packet loss. It will just be a connection issue either with the way the modem or local node forms packets. Can you bypass any networking equipment in your home?

I have access to all of my own equipment, but not exactly sure what you mean.

Plug your computer directly into your modem. using a wired connection for testing

Yeah I am wired into my modem. I’ve tried over wifi and hardwired.

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