Constantly being disconnected

Over the past three weeks I have experienced period when I have been disconnected every three or four minutes. I have visited the forums and tried all the trouble shooting tips. But none have helped. Again today this is happening, and my character is dying being of the lag/disconnect. And once the toon has died I am able to sign in but get immediately disconnected. This will last for five or six minutes. The game is broken and no one is paying attention!!!

Summerbee, The game is not broken for most people. Sounds like you have a connection problem. Have you tried the steps outlined in the sticky article posted at the top of this forum?

Yes , well as I stated in my post I tryed to trouble shooting tips, the reset, Flushing, driver update, et all and I even purchased a new modem, but no luck. I have done the WinMTR repeated times. I have noticed that this node: et- 0 has the highest amount of packet loss and the great latency. Now the information that I have seen in the forums is that people have been complaining about this issue for many weeks. And when I try to google this as57976 it comes up with Blizzards name on it. Is this Blizzard’s equipment and why can’t they get it fixed. Also please explain why I have repeated disconnects when I die. This may be a different problem but certainly it is an in games issue…

Howdy Summerbee,

Technically it’s not our equipment, it belongs to another company that is peered with us. Our network team is working on getting the issue fixed with that node. At this time we don’t have any updates to provide other than the issue is being looked into.

There is another forum post that we are keeping updated for both this isseu and another node with the same problem.

Forum that will be updated

i have tried everything, i even went so far as to uninstall and install. I still keep getting disconnected very frustrating, Please Help

Edited by Blizzard - this topic is being locked as the originally reported issue was resolved. Please create your own thread or contact support.