Constant screen freeze, disconnect, and load screen freeze, ESPECIALLY in M+

You’re reading something that isn’t there. No one in the forum can help without diagnostic information when you’re talking connection problems.


I just wanted to come and update that I think I’ve found the source of my problem and a solution, I’m not sure if it’s the same issue that everyone in this thread is having, but sounds rather similar so might be worth a shot to try if you haven’t already.

Anyway, the issue did turn out to be my graphics driver (even though it was up-to-date and I did a reinstall). I had to use a tool called DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) to do a deep uninstall of my graphics driver in safe mode and then reinstall the appropriate driver. Thus far this has resolved the issue for me. Few things to note: Those of us that have had this issue and had success with this solution were all having the AppHangB1 error in our DxDiag output, so if you have that same app hanging error, this may work for you. Also, so far from those of us that have posted DxDiag outputs, we all have Geforce GTX 1070 cards, might be a common link…might not.

If you want to read more of my journey and a few others, here’s the thread: Extreme freezing and performance issues in Sepulcher - #25 by Lifehymn-thrall

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