Constant Hitching in Content TWW

RTX 4070
More than enough Memory AFAIK

Everytime I’m doing anything in the new TWW content I suffer from constant hitching. I understand its likely normal in Dornogal where I’m constantly loading a ton of players and that’s just how it is.

My concern is that even when I am in places like BGs, or M+, and most egregiously in raids, I am still suffering from these hitches.

Granted, it doesn’t break the game, I can still play it, but its just mildly annoying considering the hardware that I have more than makes up for what WoW can handle. In games like Monster Hunter Wilds or FFXIV I don’t suffer any hitching, it is constantly just this game.

Any ideas what it could be?

Will post a dxdiag if needed, though, not exactly sure how.

Use and provide the link.

Hopefully this works right. ^^

Problem signature:
P1: Wow.exe
P3: 67c905a5
P4: RzChromatic64.dll_unloaded

You could try uninstalling or updating the software for Razer Chroma. Looks like it’s having an issue with WoW. The rest of the errors in your report are related to RAM usage and nothing to worry about.

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Gonna try this and come back with results, thanks! \o/

This might be a stretch but I was having these same issues a couple months ago. The fix for me was to MANUALLY disable windows Xbox game bar. I forget how and why but this fixed it 100% for me. My specs were also not an issue!

Did some testing, on smaller forms of content like dungeons and BGs the game seems to be running smoother, open world still seems to have a few hitches but I assume that might be player density or, when I noticed it most leaving larger places like Mereldar with a ton of NPC density, have yet to test it for raid at all though.

As for the Game Bar, I’ve had that off for awhile but it didn’t seem to change anything at the time!

hmm its likely due to todays patch and some people have been having steady issues since season 2 started last week. the game bar for me was disabled but a windows update a few months ago enabled it and made it to where you couldn’t uninstall it unless you manually went into windows. but other than that, that was a huge fix for me.

as of today/right now i think this connection/lag is 100% blizzard’s end this time as there is thousands of players experiencing issues rn

Issues still seem to be occurring, tried a few different things as well, got a new monitor as mine was old, tried Gsync with it, changed to display port from HDMI, nothing seems to be working out though.

Only thing I have to go on is this is when 11.1 dropped, I didn’t have any frame stuttering or freezing before then so I suppose it must be something with the patch, sucks, but, is what it is I guess.