Constant disconnectst

Since patch in December constantly getting disconnected


I onow all that been playing a long time. Tried all fixes. I read others say it is happening to them since December patch

But tech support will be better to help then here. This perticular forum is a player to player support desk.


Have you tried a VPN? From what I’ve seen from reading there that seems to help the most people the most consistently.

If you haven’t, post over there and be prepared for some basic troubleshooting.

There isn’t anything Customer Support, or a ticket, can help with in this instance.

Edit: maybe don’t spam all the topics though. It’s best to stick to one (the one you made) and post some useful info so someone can help. It’s really hard to help when you’ve posted in 5 threads of other users whose situation is all unique, even if they seem similar.


Have you updated your addons? Have you tried a complete UI reset? Addons not acting right after a patch because they have not been updated to match the patch can cause this as well as a corrupted UI.

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Tried all that. It has to do with patch because others are saying same thing

Then you can also report it as a bug with as much detail as possible via the bug report forum.

Unfortunately, CS wouldn’t be involved in the fixing of any connection issues.

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Do not just do /resetui

You need to do a full ui reset

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I was experiencing disconnects in caves, dungeons, etc. I did the following and it helped. Game settings, Graphics settings, scroll down to max foreground FPS. If it is unchecked, it may be causing an error. Check the box and set the FPS slider to your monitor’s maximum refresh rate. Don’t know if it will help, but it’s worth a shot.

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