Another poster worded this beautifully so here is a copypasta. I am having the exact same problem:
“As stated in the title, when TWW launched, I’ve been Disconnected between 5-50 times a day, varying on how much I dragonride. It only happens when I jump to take off, it crashes and brings me to the “You’ve been disconnected”: screen. I’ve done all the recommended trouble shooting options and they told me to come here and ask for help/assistance.”
Since beginning to play an hour ago, it’s happened at least four times, sometimes back to back. There are several reports of the same issue in Tech forum, but I am posting here for visibility.
I have been having the same issue, along when using flight paths. I get to end point, move, and get disconnected. WOW51900319 On my druid of course
Seeing this a LOT using druid flight form.
Jump to take off in flight form, instant disconnect. Multiple times an hour.
Its like going from the ground to flight causes some desync on the server that boots you out immediately.
I am so tired of this bug… idk why blizzard won’t/can’t fix it or at the very least acknowledge it and get someone to work on it. Where is the money we pay monthly only to be disconnected every 15 min because I want to use my flight form? ugh…
This happens waaaaay too often when I am trying to farm herbs or ore.
This is actually getting annoying. It happens whenever i either
A) land at a FP
B) hit a branch or rock
C) take off or land
D) herb
Please fix this iss ue blizzard cause i love my druid 
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Add me to the list. It doesn’t happen very often, but usually several times per week.
I have the same issue on all toons - using classic flight or dragonflight - only started with this expansion - i’m up to 18 DC’s since 6am today.