any news on this i have changed passwords and dont a scan and repair yet i still can not log in for more than 10 seconds at a time.
can we get an update please
This forum is a peer to peer help desk, you’ll want to post in Tech Support where the blue post is that asks for everyone to provide some information:
i did that thanks however it seems to only be DF areas effected so i dont think it is a connection issue but a software issue since i am fine in bfa and stormwind on dif toons]
Nope I’m in retail Wow without DF and haven’t been able to get on in nearly 8 hours.
sorry about that was just saying what i concluded but yes it does stink to try and get things done yet ya can not even get to the area to start your farm
It’s just the steps in troubleshooting to rule things out. And I wanted to share the updates you asked for.
I did my test, but interestingly enough, I’ve stopped disconnecting now. At least, on this character. We’ll see about the others.
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