Constant DC/Loading Screen Lock Up

For the past month in both SoD and Classic Fresh my game has been constantly freezing whenever in a load screen and sometimes while on a FP. I have re-installed twice now, ran the game without addons and still experiencing this issue. Whenever it happens nothing appears in the errors folder so I am not even sure where to look to diagnose the issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Can you elaborate on this step? Did you completely reset the UI, or only disable addons from loading?

I removed all Addons from folder, deleted WTF and Cache as well.

FWIW - When using addons I only have about 140MB of Addon Memory usage, my PC has 32GB of RAM and I run a Radeon 7800XT GPU. I originally thought it was WeakAuras causing the issue but after stopping using it it still happens so not really sure if it is actually an AddOn issue or something else

UI resets are not always about the AddOn, but about the UI and possible corrupt data. Even in a UI with no AddOns, it’s often the go to step in diagnostics.

Your memory likely is not the issue, neither is the GPU. It could be storage, not knowing what kind OP has the game on.

Im on a SSD. What additional steps should be taken to reset the UI?

According to this article what I did is all that can be done to reset your UI:

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