Constant Crashing

The crashing bug is back, every since this last update:
Exception: 0xC0000094 (INT DIVIDE BY ZERO) at 00007ff616d14d72
ProcessID: 3404
ThreadID: 38392

I’ve done the usual reboots/reinstalls/update to bios/hardware/gpu/cpu anything on my end… Addons disabled. Fresh run, still randomly crashes anywhere without cause.

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Im having the same thing happen and i have done everything i can … This is also a brand new high end PC, Im able to run anything on it other then WOW just crashes …

What cpu? Intel 13.9 and 14.9 k are having stabilty issues as noted in other threads.

I am having the same issue with
Processor 11th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz, 3601 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)

While it’s easy to blame the CPU, I don’t believe it’s the issue here. I have a 14900k and it has worked flawlessly for the past 6 months in DF (and yes I have the update now, and I also have been running it with proper voltage restrictions in place prior to that), and now in the past week or so, getting 0xC0000094 (INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO) errors 3 to 4 times a day (happens more on my druid for some reason). No other application / game has an issue, and WoW worked fine until 8/20 (that was the first time it crashed on me, and I play a LOT). Since that date it’s been anywhere from 3 times in one day on the low end to 6 on the high end.

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THIS! Amen, whatever was pushed on 8.20 is now causing crashes. I DO have an affected 14th gen CPU, but i’ve updated to June’s bios and all the good stuff needed. I haven’t crashed ever before (and i’ve played on this new PC for a good 2 months already, including wow and other new releases.) I did have issues with Aska, which prompted me to install the new bios, but still… no issues at all with wow, until 8.20.

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Exactly how I feel. While the CPU’s did have an issue, especially if you didn’t adjust the settings in the bios prior to the intel update. But I have been monitoring this CPU issue from day 1 and kept my CPU actually underclocked and capped on power to prevent the possibility. And the annoying issue is I’ve had no issue for MONTHS with WoW, but all of a sudden a few weeks ago, boom something changed (and only in WoW, none of my other games are doing this). There’s clearly a bug somewhere, just don’t want it to be magically waved away with the whole “13th/14th gen CPU bug” (there’s someone in here with a 11th gen I think having the issue)


Yup still getting this issue. I’ve done everything i can think of, full comp clears, updated all drivers/bios, full game reinstall with no addons. Nothing fixes it. Was getting it for a while off and on before but i switched to directx 11 only and that seemed to mostly solve it but now it just crashes either before loading, once 100% loaded or shortly after entering the game. I even tried using my gf’s account and it still crashed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as it’s a new xpac and i can’t even play now.

Try going to the “Compatibility Settings” under the “Graphics” tab and turn all of those options off. You dont really need any of those on.

Same issue here. It’s almost impossible to play the game. Also, referring us to a post on intel when our cpu’s aren’t the problem is pretty tone deaf. Not sure how many people need to be affected before it becomes a priority for someone at blizzard to fix it.

I was having this problem constantly the past few days with WoW just ramping memory usage even just on the character select screen so fast that the game would completely lock and crash within a minute or two.

Once I disabled Async Resource Creation in my graphics settings in WoW (it’s at the bottom of the section) I stopped getting more ramping memory usage problems or crashes. No clue what happened in the last update to make this a problem all of a sudden.

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