Classic gets no good fps when streaming with obs but retail streams better.
Changing any graphics settings seems to crash WoW.
Running anymore than 1 wow client, tends to make all 3 monitors go black.
Logging out of classic and logging back in, seems to make the game forget which server or character I was logged into, it keeps default to old blaunchy which I have 0 characters on.
and many more; any help?
I have the latest NVIDIA game driver, and here are my graphics settings:
First off, these website developers need to stop defaulting to Edge, and I am almost positive, judging by how slow their site runs, that it is built on asp dot net, especially when working with item restore and interfacing with the games DB. They need to test their site in Firefox or something because it has so many bugs when I am not using Edge; they are mostly all front-end bugs too. So sad. I am sure they are neglecting other browsers in favor of Edge. Which most aspx or asp dot net developers do and are trained to do.
My GPU is 51 degrees C or higher in task manager when jumping around Razer Hill. My card does not get this hot on retail. Just classic; the GPU fan is kicking in and everything; my GPU fan almost never kicks in on retail. I am beginning to think I should not play this version of the game because it is causing damage and overstrain to my hardware components.
I also want to mention that PTR (11.1) makes my graphic card fans spin and retail (11.0.7) does not. Same as classic, classic makes my graphics card spin and retail does not. Virtually same settings where they are applicable. Not sure what is going on here?
Not being a streamer, I am not sure if OBS would need to use extra cpu cycles to encode and transmit your stream, if you are using the same rig to play and send stream data.
Do you mean the forums? Blizzard uses software by Discourse . I often use Chrome, but someone else noted extra resources going in the forums under FireFox earlier.
Try running a dxdiag, and see if there are errors generated at the end.
Well, there are just a lot of bugs with the forums in general, I think many are server side, it often gets confused which post I am trying to reply to or edit, and which thread, won’t let me change characters, etc.
Thanks, I did not know. I have a lot of extensions in my browser.
The only 3 I am running right now are:
YouTube Playback Speed Control
WebRTC Leak Prevent
I have also used to run adblockers, but they are disabled right now.
I have hardware acceleration turned off for Canvas/WebGL/etc. too because sometimes I cannot run two WoWs at once, and I read it could help.
Great to know.
I logged in with Google and connected it to my Battlenet and cleared my cache, and it helped on desktop. Though I still cannot change characters on my phone, sadly, I can’t scroll down for whatever reason on my Chrome browser on my phone.
Not worried about it. I am probably not going to play classic or retail. Judging by the latest 11.1 changes plus other issues that seem to only exist on PTR and Classic versions of WoW that make my graphics card heat up and its fan spin. My GPU’s fans do not spin vigorously on retail. Just 11.1 PTR and Classic WoW for whatever reason. I locked to 60 fps instead of uncapped on classic, and that helped reduce its temperatures by about 10 °C, but retail (PTR) is still causing my client to use extra GPU resources. All 3 clients are all set to graphic setting 1. I will double check the continuity of their settings later.
Make sure that your classic and retail wow.exe files don’t have “disable fullscreen optimizations” enabled. It was a dumb placebo fix years ago, mostly spread by low quality clickbait youtube guides that just parrot the same information and don’t actually know what they are talking about, that people swore by for whatever flavor of the month performance issue was going on at the time.
Also make sure that you haven’t disabled MPO(multiplane overlays) in Windows. That one was an actual fix years back for specific problems(long since fixed, but they were Nvidia<>Windows problems), but it usually gets reset on driver or major Windows updates.
Classic gets no good fps when streaming with obs but retail streams better.
Oh and also check to make sure they are both using the same buffering like double or triple buffering.
Thank you so much! I will check it out. Capping to 60 fps seemed to reduce the GPU overheating, though I need to watch vod back to check for frame drops again.