ConsolePort - can’t move

I was playing fine and the game crashed. Now console port will not move my character. I’ve turned off/on the addon, reinstalled addon, restarted comp. And game multiple times. Help!!

Might need to delete the Saved Variables associated with the addon.
Can do it via CurseForge: Right Click > Delete Settings (Saved variables)
or by manually deleting the correct WTF files.
Make sure the game isn’t running when you do.

If that doesn’t work, enable script errors and see what’s happening.

/console scriptErrors 1

Thank you!

I m having the same happen. Could you be more specfic with solution. I tried to delete settings and the console command did nothing. Not that i would know what to do with that information anyways?

Deleting the settings resets the addon to the state it’s in when you initially installed it.

The console command enables the display of addon errors so you can see if there’s a code issue rather than a settings problem.