/console autoUnshift Broken 2/24/2024

None of that is really relevant to whether or not something is a bug, nor are you likely to ever receive a blue response here in bug report.

Well since you aren’t a blue, your opinion on whether it’s a bug or not doesn’t matter.

If you say so.

I do. I really do.

The reality is that its probably an unintended change due to Plunderstorm to avoid form mods. But bled through to Live. Just like the map mods all breaking. If its genuinely intended there should be a blue statement about it.

This cvar was changed before 10.2.6, plunderstorm doesn’t have forms/stances, and plunderstorm doesn’t have macros or addons. No, the reason that was thrown around was season of discovery. And again, you’re not going to get an official response here, or likely ever in relation to cvar changes.

As far as I know, it’s not broken. It was deliberately changed so that you cannot change the CVAR while in combat. It’s an “isSecure” CVAR now, which means it can’t be touched during combat and that fact that it’s flagged as such now puts the odds of the change being deliberate in the 99.9% range. Set it to the value you desire, like one or zero, outside of combat and be done with it. Don’t try to use macros that change the value of the CVAR while in combat.

Again, I don’t know why you both are so invested in making sure this stays broken. You clearly have an agenda to make life harder for druids. This command has been a staple of druids forever, so changing it warrants at least an acknowledgement as to why.

Bottom line is that the way regrowth procs work in forms is bad design without this macro. The only reason it was tolerated for so long was because of autounshift. They should either revert the change or fix the way this interaction works baseline.

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Agreed, please fix this bug.

…I’m already dreading the day I try to use one of my Dream procs right at the very tail end of the buff, only to get shifted out of bear form and instantly killed when the boss slaps me because my in-game macro that’s supposed to prevent that doesn’t work anymore. :frowning:

Well it still works, you just can’t change it while in combat now. As for why they changed it, well I’ve already given possible reasons why but they don’t owe anyone an explanation why, nor are we entitled to it.

The biggest potential reason is likely to combat botting since druids are one of the most used classes for botting. They just did a massive ban wave on the botters using hacks that would unlock the LUA API and allow them to execute anything they wanted with it. Maybe by switching the CVAR to isSecure, it was a bandaid fix until they fully caught that wave of bots. Since it’s a server stored CVAR and not a local one, even with a “jailbroken” LUA API, you can’t force it to work because the server would still have to approve of the request.

It’s not a bug, this was intentionally changed to be an isSecure CVAR and that means the value cannot be changed while in combat. They don’t accidentally end up on that list…

We can’t even get an acknowledgment that they know this happened

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I just came back to the game and can confirm this still is the case. It’s really frustrating because I’m finding myself occasionally getting 1 shot because I accidentally clicked Regrowth where as before it wasn’t an issue at all. Has anybody found a workaround for this? At this point I think I might just spec out of Dream of Cenarius which really sucks…


Still hoping this bug gets fixed.

No, you can’t convince me that it’s not.

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It’s not a bug. Submit feedback instead.

just found this forum post because I noticed my macro wasn’t working anymore. I didn’t want to use the cvar for an all-the-time solution because when I’m in resto spec and catweaving, I want to be popped out of cat form to cast the regrowth. but when I’m in guardian or feral, I don’t want that auto happening.

so tinkering, you can work around the change if you want, just using backwards logic, because /cancelform does not trigger the GCD. So, I have it set to not unshift me all the time, and have the regular regrowth spell on my bar in Guardian and Feral specs, but on my Resto bar I have this macro:

/cast [@mouseover, help] [@player] Regrowth

which will pop me out of the other forms to heal.

Also while looking into this I found this addon on curseforge, which i think is better than the cvar solution, because 1) it lets you shift when you are not in combat, and 2) it pops up some red text telling you why you can’t shift for some added clarity: elfyaus-autounshift
(not letting me put an actual link, have to search for it)