You’re adorable, I probably shouldn’t give you any more attention.
You suggest weak auras, then disrespect anyone who might need to use it to track a proc LOL
You say it’s like 1 gcd, then “at most 2”.
Do you think if have any idea what character you play normally? or why would I? Why would I research that? Are you a big deal special snowflake?
/bow if so.
Bumping. This has almost killed me 3 times already today. I haven’t played bear in awhile but I could not figure out what was shifting me out of bear form. Guess this explains it.
Blizzard if you want to get rid of helpful features like this then maybe let Bear cast more of their spells in bear form without unshifting, so we don’t need macros to prevent it.
General rule of thumb: If some kind of “feature” requires the use of macro scripts to execute, and is not baked into the standard UI/controls of the game, it’s likely not actually a fully supported “feature” and may be subject to change at any time; with or without notice or explanation.
The macro/LUA API has changed a million times over the years and will change a million times more.
This is killing me, hahaha. Hilarious conflation just because we’re posting on warrior characters I guess.
This change isn’t going to get reverted as it’s clearly an intended change. Sorry, druid mains. If you want a better way to handle it, post a suggestion outside the bug report forum.
While I would love to see this command fixed, I think more importantly there should just be a base UI / in game option to not shift when you try cast a spell you cannot cast in your form. Especially given the amount of talents druids have that let them to cast non-form spells. Accidentally clicking twice and shifting out of form is unnecessarily punishing (especially for feral and guardian) and no other classes have this issue.
Alternatively, just make these talents let Guardian and Feral cast Regrowth (and Roots for Feral) in form, and the instant cast procs won’t feel as bad if double clicked or misclicked. Just like other classes, the mana cost and cast time will limit how useful this is anyway outside of free procs.
Why? It’s there for skillcap reasons. While you’re at it, make it so that interrupts can’t be cast unless someone is casting, so you never blow the cooldown on accident and wipe the party/raid because some one-shot mechanic went off due to you screwing your turn up…
Realistically, the easiest win-win solution would be to just make it castable in all forms, but if you’re not in human form, the cast speed is like 3x longer or something. That way, you won’t get shifted out and can still be punished by wasting a GCD.
Yawn. No other class has this tax. Druids are being punished for what they could do 5 expansions ago. Non-hybrids are better at healing themselves than hybrids (except paladins for some reason). Make every other class’s defensives and heals rely on procs they can only cast once, and otherwise if they accidentally cast twice they lose 220% armor and 25% stamina for 2 GCDs and let’s see how that plays out.
I guess you missed the part where it was not broken, it was turned into a protected cvar which means it cannot be changed while in combat and must be changed using the C_CVar.SetCVar() function and not /console.
No, it doesn’t work outside of combat either. And given you have been trolling every report of this issue, you probably aren’t a druid who could or cares to test this.
It also doesn’t detract from the fact that core talent tree functionality requires macros to not feel crap to play. Macros that are now broken.
Why are you posting so vehemently against this quality of life change for druids? What are you hoping to get out of it?
I tested this both in February and again just now, and can change it outside of combat using the proper function. Verified using both Advanced Interface Options (which can also change the setting), and the C_CVar.GetCVarInfo() function.
/run C_CVar.SetCVar("autoUnshift",0)
giving facts on the matter isn’t trolling, no matter how much you disagree with them.
You do seem to have a vested interest in not having this work in combat given your prevalence in these threads. If not trolling then what?
And honestly druids should not have to rely on CVar mods or commands to not do dumb things in combat. These should be options in the base menu. The functionality is broken especially when talents lean into this gameplay.
I have no skin in the game. The fact of the matter is it was changed to a secure cvar, likely intentionally, which means that it is unlikely to be bugfixed given its not a bug. I offered some alternative workarounds in the druid thread back in February, since that subforum as well as the in game feedback menu are the proper place for feedback, not here in bug report.
Something working for over 15 years and then suddenly not, with no communication about why, is not a bug? If it was an intended change, they should have the guts to say why in detail. And make the base druid functionality not need it.