<Consistently Better>|Area 52| T/F/S 7-10 EST|Mythic Guild Lf good players s2!

looking for good ranged

need a huge int buff

queen dies this week !

working on some mythic bosses tn!

need some super ranged

lets push together

need mages

Juicy raiders wanted

Hi there. I’m a 615 Ret Pally hard stuck 7/8 in heroic pugs. I’ve seen P3 a few times down to 38%. I’ve always got consumables. I know my class. What’s your group’s progress and do you have room?

ranged dpsss

Looking for mages !

looking for mage

its Prog night !

almost got number 4 its dying this week!

reclear day !

rash dies friday

Rash Gonna die tn!

boss fell over !

First pulls on broodkeeper tonight

LF dps ! Need some good ranged and a rogue