<Consistently Better>|Area 52| T/F/S 7-10 EST|Mythic Guild Lf good players s2!

juicers needed

Would you be looking for a healer? I am currently looking for a new guild to raid with.

588 Windwalker Monk LF Raiding Guild!

hit up an officer listed in the spam !

RDPS we want you !

Looking for ranged

whos got the juice

roster is looking good

ranged homies

lets gooooo

warlocks wya

LF rangedddddddd, and maybe a rogue

one more raid night left this week ! lets go friends !

we got the biggest int buffs

mythic starts tommorrow !

did your realm get taken down too?!

looking for good players !

always looking for ballers

good players wanted

need some homies