<Consistently Better>|Area 52| T/F/S 7-10 EST|Mythic Guild Lf good players s2!

LF juicers !

warlocks n mages lets goo!

Need some Locks and Mages in this bissssssssshhhh come get it is!

need juicers !

Where that juicy lock and mage at!


lookin for someone to join usssssss

got some 80s already !

day2 ! looking good so far !

what is your favorite part of the epansion so far ?!

Looking for goood dps !

big damn damn required

looking for homies

leveling cooking for all the free feasts!

Release for everyone !

another day on that grind !

Whos gonna do world quest with me :slight_smile:

i love ap so much lets go

Need big time dps

some hunters might be nice !