Consistency with previous statements

I don’t know if this is still relevant but its something for the Devs to consider. To summarize a specific tweet from Aggrend on June 26th: the developers don’t want players to sacrifice their own personal performance for the sake of playing a utility role.
One example used when stating this was moving the exorcism paladin rune to a different slot so it didn’t overlap with rebuke, enabling the paladin to play with the utility of a kick, while not sacrificing their damage. The nightfall weapon also being missing points to this philosophy

Currently for warlocks to bring massive utility like mark of chaos (10% magic damage and 75 magic pen) or demonic pact (raid wide spell power) we have to sacrifice our own personal damage or mitigation. Those sacrifices being Demonic grace (temp crit and dodge) or everlasting affliction (“permanent” corruption dot) on legs.
Demonic knowledge (spell power based off pet stats) or Dance of the wicked (Dodge chance) on boots.

To solve this issue I think making both mark of chaos and demonic pact baseline would be too strong, but incorporating them into already existing talents could solve this issue. For example, attaching demonic pact to 5/5 points in the master demonologist talent, and attaching mark of chaos to 3/3 improved curse of agony may resolve this issue.

I’m sure my class isn’t the only one suffering from this potential oversight, so looking into other classes and making sure they’re consistent with this statement (if you’re still standing by it) would be appreciated.


This is well explained, I am in the same predicament as a Rogue main. We have to lose a fair chunk of DPS just to put up a armour Debuff. sacrificing our personal performance for the sake of playing/using utility for the sake of the raid

I love that paladin is has got some love in that regard, We all know the team isnt as big as we would hope. But these are issues that would make Warlock/rogue/who -ever classes feel a lot better,

hoping that this gets some traction! at a minimum pact should be baseline.