Considering a return, how the heck do I gear up?

whats ur pvpilvl currently and how much time do you want to invest per day? kind of needed to tell you what to do first.

I too just came back a few days ago. I hit 500 hours on new world and it started to feel stale so I quit before I started hating it.

So far it seems the conquest gear is where it’s at for catching up. It’s 220 item level and you get a small chunk of conquest for just doing a win in each bg bracket plus the pvp quests at the vendor.

You can also buy 200 item level gear pretty cheap from the ah to get you jump started.

The conq boxes require 1400 rating or so.

buy highest possible gear on the AH, think its up in the 250’s now for the price of multiple gold tokens from the AH

get peeps to carry you to conquest wins (this phase lasts quite a while). You are basically being carried no matter what at super low gear. Some will be free carries, some will ask for something in trade because they are enduring lots of boring losses carrying you. Sometimes you have to keep finding new partners because peeps quit due to too much losing or the loss was way to severe.

in between carries, you do the incredibly tedious unlocking/rankings of conduits (forces you into a ton of pve), renown (almost entirely pve), torghast/legendary (obviously pve), and some QoL unlocks (also all pve).

Plus high M+ or mythic raiding if you have a guild that will carry you for some more shortcuts, especially if the M+ will ‘feed’ you the gear from every run and stack players with your armor type.

in between you do your endless rep grind per pvp gear slot by grinding honor (some of which will come from arena).

If you can get rated bg carries you will have the most efficient process by far, if the group sticks together and wins consistently

lastly, you can do the incredibly boring mind numbing grind of korthia to get gear, but this would be one of the worst options for a pvp player

this game’s pvp is the least casually accessible it has ever been

oh yeah, and if you can’t get a rating of 1600 or higher (really 1800 if you want to actually feel somewhat strong) you should seriously considering skipping pvp entirely because the power deltas are so large

as you gear up (and borrowed power up), you will run into 100’s of times that you literally could do nothing to avoid dying (generally 1v1’s where nobody was able to come to your aid or your teammates were distracted or too far away) - which will really make you question whether something else might be a better entertainment source

wow rated pvp is incredibly dead, it used to be as large as all regular raiding combined - now it is about 5-10% of players


Gearing is actually pretty easy right now.
The honor grind is what sucks but tomorrow is COMP STOMP if I remember correctly.

Buy a bunch of tokens.

Open up group finder. Pick one of the many carry games. Gear up.

Only half joking.

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  1. You need a Covenant.
  2. You will need to get Renowned up to at least 59ish to be able to buy all the honor gear.
  3. Get your conduits up to at least 200. There is a vendor in Oribos that allows a quick upgrade.
  4. Legendary isn’t mandatory, but every person you’re going against is going to have one. It makes a huge difference in PVP. This is done through Torghast.
  5. Farm honor for honor gear in BGs. (Be prepared to get dunked on and one shot… ALOT!)
  6. After you get all your honor gear you will function at ILVL 233 in PVP. You will probably be able to fill some slots with Conquest gear as you go.
  7. You’re ready for Arena.
  8. Get in LFG and hope for the best.

Do people actually buy the honor gear?
Geared like 8-10 toons and haven’t bought but 1 honor piece and that was the trinket

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For a fresh toon without boxes its worth getting atleast 1/7 upgrades because the cost is so small then moving onto the conquest grind.

Can buy 200ilvl blues for super cheap and go straight into 2s.
That’s how I’ve done every toon until they implemented the boxes

I just hate bgs so I very rarely step into them unless friends are doing them… Or comp stomp

Pretty sure comp stomp starts tomorrow

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It’s kind of late in the season. I don’t advise returning until 9.2

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