Consequences of Banning the GDKP:

They think that eliminating the GDKP will soften inflation in articles, their knowledge in economics is either null or void or they are evil, they are purposely prohibiting it. In fact what will happen is that there will be more inflation. The items in the AH will be more expensive and scarcer, do you know why? Because the bots will buy the lowest priced items offered by a random player, they will manipulate the AH and their prices. Ninjas will increase, because bad people who cannot buy items with gold from bots will make dirty moves. It will be an escalation in bad habits.
Eliminating the GDKP does not eliminate bad people, it will increase the creativity of their manipulations. Players will have less gold and fewer possibilities to buy in the AH, and gold sellers will have more gold to sell and more prices to manipulate to their liking in the AH.

Farming bots or exploited players have more chances of obtaining items from the world drop, possessing these items and having more gold. The first time they see a rare World drop item, they will buy it and manipulate the prices.

Farming bots: +% world drop items
Exploited players: +% gathering herbs/min/fish/skin.
AH Computers: +% buy items and resell at a higher price.

Wake up SOD player.



the mental gymnastics went wild

It’s always a 1 post character


GDKPs make up such a dismal portion of the population that their absence is not going to have any meaningful impact on the game. Don’t get me wrong, the people that cried about them blew it way out of proportion…But I take my hat off to you lot. The amount of crying by all of you gold buyers has actually surprised me.

Most people didn’t care about the anti GDKP crybabies, we care even less about the tears of RMTers. But by all means, keep up the tears. We can build a dam and power half the world at this rate.


so the counterargument to the data I provide is to appeal to a Petitio principii fallacy

What does a bot buying low priced items in the AH and reselling them have to do with banning GDKPs?
This post seems like it might either be a bad translation or you are just cooked


which data? your head?

the only data we have by now is that apparently gold prices dropped dramatically because of this change

What do you think gold sellers are doing with the price increase in AH? What do gold sellers do? I think the answer is obvious. What if they now sold the same gold at a higher price in real life.

man you’re so wrong, the gold value dropped drastically

also, bot gatherers increase the market supply, not the demand, and market fixers are players, not bots and they have nothing to do with RMT

I think you just brainstormed something crazy, labeled as economics and thought it was a good idea to post it

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The great thing about this is we don’t have to theory craft at all. GDKPs are banned for P2 and there’s nothing anybody can do about it. Let’s sit back and actually view what really happens


Nah, GDKPs are a recent phenomenon. Claiming that ending the handful of sweaty swipers will bring about the end days is nonsensical given that we functioned perfectly fine without you for decades. Slink away and watch as the world continues to spin, completely uninfected by your absence.

Pretending that your mom’s credit card is the only thing keeping this game in balance is beyond delusional.

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We will see what happens at the end of the season, we will see if eliminating the GDKP was the right decision, we will see the light when the night is over. We will see the day of judgment, when the Truth is shown at the end. God forgive me if I am wrong, because here I give my opinion, I apologize in advance if there were no consequences, but only the Truth will end the doubt I have. What are the consequences of Banning the GDKP?

Very true, I was theory crafting my salt farming would go down and I was incorrect. It’s went up, def hype for watching it play out.

the consequences are that the vast majority of RMTers bought gold to get raid items, without this incentive, people are less prone to RMT, of course it won’t get rid of it, but it will decrease by a lot, and decreasing is a step in the right direction

Economists are notorious for disagreeing with each other. Even topics that are old as supply-side versus demand-side are still contested in academic papers and forums. Some people like Keynes, and some think he’s an idiot.

We never truly know until we do the experiment, and even then there is no guarantee that the results aren’t outliers.

Pretending that you truly know is either disingenuous or naive.

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People tend to get economics 101 down side up.

lol bunch of bullcrap nonsense. Bots are/will/can inflating the AH already or anytime. It’s not like that with a gentelman agreement they don’t do that cuz they can sell their golds through GDKPs now. They take advantage of anything they can if they can.

There will be more Ninja?? That’s why we have guilds. So people know each other. Join a guild and get to know people and become a family like the freaking way this game was originally designed and you won’t need to worry about "ninja"s.

The only people who are opposing GDKP ban is the gold seller or gold buyers. And that’s what you are dude. Get out of here.


Hey OP, just wanted to welcome you to the forums since this is your first time here on this latest level 10 freshly created character.

And see you on your next alt trying to push a narrative that doesn’t exist!

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All these so-called consequences are already happening. Bots are doing all the stuff you said and guess what, they are running on computer code.
Are the bot authors going to release the “GDKP update” version, where now the bot does everything it was already doing, but now more “creatively”, as you put it?
You speak as someone who doesn’t have any knowledge about software development.

Eh, there’s a third group of people who aren’t sellers or buyers, but are happy to launder the gold for them as long as they get a cut.

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Yep it’s called being “Accessory to the crime”.