Consequences of Banning the GDKP:

Here’s a relevant reply:

And here’s a useful one:

With this system gone, the AH should return to subnormal as less of these items would be placed at the AH… and That’s just Phase 1 of other phases yet to come to eradicate bots…

Didn’t realize you could put BoPs on the AH :thinking:

My data can beat up your data.

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Lack of GDKPs isn’t going to make AH inflation less bad. Honestly of the “consequences” I expect that all the gold buyers will cause it to get worse since they’ll get banned for buying gear in runs now.

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it will, that gold wont sit idle due to a tos paragraph

inflation is already rampant, dont u see?

all the gold farmers are manipulating prices because they wont be able to do anything else with that gold, and gold lost a lot of its value after end game. Mounts and Skills wont change this.

We need inflation, but not a huge spike to make everyone poorer.

They just buy and resell higher. its happening evvery single night.

ppl are reseting and flipping AH at a never seen rate in SOD.

U will find out inflation the hard way ;p

Nope, and I’m looking at it right now. FAPs and SPPs are the cheapest I’ve ever seen. Even BOEs have come down in price since release. I’m sure if one spent enough time they would find something that has increased in price but nothing on the AH supports the nonsense you are spouting.

If you want to pretend that the handful of gold buyers and GDKPers are somehow good for the game you do you. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t really care about them like many of the people that cried about it…as I have said before, GDKPs make up an insignificant number of raids being run. I also don’t see the bot problem being anywhere near as bad as people try to claim…People have a habit of calling anyone that farms a bot.

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Ok guess we should just keep this system no one wants then huh

thats because herb bots, dont u read when I said that u r just dumb and cant figure it out? hate when ppl talk like smartasses

I read what you said. Part of which was…

“Inflation can be defined as the overall general upward price movement of goods and services in an economy”

Prices are not moving up, they have very clearly moved down over the course of P1. If you are going to pretend to have any economic knowledge at all at least learn what the terms mean.

There was data in your OP?


ok dude, u r right, prices will be the same since then and u will not see the effect in 3 days, thats for sure not how inflation works

u will see, I dont need anything else than time

So many words to mask just as many tears. Gdkp is dead. Cope and seethe swiper.

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OP’s name is very, very appropriate for the content of his post.

Gdkp doesn’t = gold buying

Blizzard would never say this unless they had definitive proof. They have every reason to ignore the problem. Admitting it is a huge step.

And simple common sense proves it. SoD is capped at level 25. Bots are everywhere. What do people have to spend that gold on at that level? GDKPs. GDKP = RMT. That is a fact.

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Correct Gdkps do = rmt. But it’s also undeniable and unfair to say just because you’re doing Gdkps you buy gold. Both sides are wildly unfair when arguing the points. Gdkp is infested with gold buying and rmt however not everyone that does them buys gold and there are a lot of gold buyers that do do Gdkps

What would be nice is if there was a feature to auto mute every new post about GDKP. It would also be nice if every post someone on forever ignore made was auto muted. Those would be real features to add to the forums.

Agreed, account wide. I know for a fact that some of these are being created by people I have on ignore that leveled a new toon to 10…

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yea they need to start just cleaning these threads up at this point. just give them their own stickied thread to cry/hugbox it out in for a week or something.

we dont need a new thread every half hour from an anguished RMT buyer or gdkp payout leech whining about how they might actually need to play the game now if they want gold

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