Conquest Vendors Temporarily Unavailable - Resolved

Always strange to see people try to explain away damaging mistakes to the game as, “Meh, that part of the game isn’t that important anyways.”

It is a repeat of the mindset that gradually led to retail’s one dimensional style and a focus on the tiny minority of players. “Meh, it’s just one tiny issue.” and then another. and another. and another. Every tiny issue affects different players and once they stack, you find yourself trying to figure out what went wrong.

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You get points for losing in Arena?

Great now fix the Valor bug and rollback all the players that are covered in valor gear


please do tell me your secrets

Wow. The bugs this launch are honestly laughable at this point… What an absolute joke.


Both and obviously BGs/WPvP are more important as that effects the majority of PvPers in harsher ways since the gear gap is more extreme.

Sure isn’t. I did Arena this week to cap. I don’t care about rating and find it to be pointless. Most PvPers are the same and don’t care about the mini-game of Arena. They are doing Arena and RBGs to cap conquest so they can do BGs and WPvP because they want to be geared there. What matters is if gameplay is effected.

Titles are pointless and wish they were never added to WoW. However Esports should of never happened either. It was a failed idea that went to far. Esports and Arena did a lot of damage to PvP in WoW as it got away from MMO PvP.

Most PvPers don’t care about Arena, Rating or Titles. They just want to conquest cap and not face overgeared players. There is a small niche Arena crowd that cares, probably the same 5k people that tune into that dead AWC that should of been cancelled a long time ago.

If you removed Conquest from the game hardly anyone would do Arena because they don’t need to cap anymore. So Ratings, Titles, and that sort of thing are actually irrelevant.

This reaks like Shacogate.

Sounds like you’re talking about a PvE guild casually gearing for pvp for a casual fun time in those ‘mini-games’.

To say PvPers don’t care about rating and titles is, sorry no flame, really dumb. Just sounds like you’re getting your opinion from casual casuals.

Most, if not all main PvPers do in fact care about ratings, titles, and/or arena. Casual people playing for cap obviously won’t care and are arguably not under the category of ‘PvPers’.

Because the pvp community is smaller you’re basically saying ‘doesn’t matter because it only impacts a smaller group and therefore its just a minigame and irrelevant’?


Im like what is shacogate lol… Oh you mean the incident with Shako’s. Yea you might be right.

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It’s not dumb. An extremely small % of the PvP player base does Arena and the only reason they do it is for cap. When I say small I mean single digit% of PvPers. If you remove Arena from the game most PvPers wouldn’t care. It’s a mini-game that unfortunately got too much attention because Blizz wanted to enter the Esports scene.

That’s not even close to true cause most PvPers don’t want to do Arena. Again it’s only there for people to cap if they take that route. Arena tries to pull PvPers from the much larger BG and WPvP player base. Blizz tries to entice PvPers to do Arena because it was their Esport but PvPers don’t care. Arena isn’t a watchable product and it’s a failed Esport that PvP players don’t care about.

PvP players in this game care about MMO PvP not Arena. Blizz messed up with Arena and they should of focused on MMO PvP since this is an MMO. I often think about how much better PvP could of been if Arena never happened.


That just isn’t true at all, but go off I guess


Almost no one likes Arena, it is too sweaty, most people prefer random BGs, because they are way more fun, simple as that.

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It’s just a really bad format for MMO PvP.

With that said the Vendors don’t work. The armors all say need 2200 rating and don’t require conquest to buy they require armor. It’s really messed up.




you are looking at the recolored elite set is why they require 2200 and the previous armor…

They shouldve never added arenas. This is an mmo and its designed on group play. Bgs are way more fun,they shouldve just kept it at RBGS.

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Ewww there is an xmog vendor that’s dumb. Thanks for clarifying.

Bingo! If they needed to do Esports they should of done objective based it could of actually been big like League or Moba games.

I dont see one arena streamer having fun,they all look depressed and it looks like they are just doing some tedius work that has to be done. Aka chasing carrot at the end of a stick,pushing that rating.

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Seems the PvP +40 resil chest enchant still doesn’t work. Stam it is.

How to tell me you’ve never been a top player in anything without telling me you’ve never been a top player in anything