Conquest Vendors Temporarily Unavailable - Resolved

Well Aggrend on Twitter talked about that. When asked why the Honor vendor was removed. He responded with they are coming back soon. Hinting that the work done on them to fix the conquest bug is resolved since they are connected.

Aggrend also answered this. He says many reports are blown out of the water and no one is in full gear. However the possibility of roll backs might happen. They aren’t sure yet actually.

How about the two bg’s, will they be added to the RBG rotation with this restart?

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Yea they are working on that as well.

I’ve been queing in gladiators and rank 1’s all day in 2s/3s.

I haven’t noticed a massive gear advantage at all, because most top rated players don’t actually abuse stuff. They’re just good at the game. More likely, the few who did abuse the infinite cap as much as they could are lower rated player who will have zero influence on the ladder above their skill level, and that’s only for a couple weeks before the conquest caps “level the playing field”

TLDR facing players with 30k more hp than you once in a blue moon won’t stop you from climbing if you’re better than them.

Its not just they have 30k more HP…they have 30% more damage, and 30% more mitigation and baseline stats / mana regen.

Its completely clueless to say the gear makes no difference.


everything will be fixed tomorrow morning. it was only a glitch for a couple of days. not a big D. Look upon your own hyperbole and beshame.

What about the conquest exploiters?



Not buying this one bit. They might have 10% more damage and 5% more mitigation.

With that said no one has full gear so it’s not even relevant.

I like how the people defending blizzard are level 10s on the forums


Thats 100% true.

Honor vendor was gone we couldnt catch up few pieces we needed so we logged rather than queing into guys in epics. For real the games they had the gear was like night & day damage wise lol.

The guys online at 10am on a work day buying gear are either streamers or no lifes & while i agree the streamer or R1 might not risk getting in trouble the normal high rated duelist+ degen absolutely will & saw a few in just 1 session. They are the only group spamming enough games to get that gear in the few hours available. It’s not casuals.

Blizzard needs to either strip the over capped gear or remove the cap to let everyone just go get full sets imo. Maybe theres a more sensible solution but doing nothing & just fixing vendor would be the least fair thing (so they’ll probably do that).


yeah the rumors got pretty wild, the most I’ve seen people buy is 2 pieces before the vendors got sent on vacation, but considering they fixed a problem like this in original Cata by setting the items to level 86 if they can’t fix this it’s a joke.

Time to find out if blizzard will make excuses for issues that have been solved in the past. Time to find out if they give a single stuff about PVP.

Spent like two days doing heroics since I couldn’t spend my honor, and while mostly all I do is PvP, if there is a rollback that= auto unsub from me. Ya’ll got me f’ed up LOL.

If they were going to rollback the entire server they would have done it already it’s a brute force solution.

People are talking about “rolling back the gear” i.e. disabling or removing the gear that shouldn’t have been obtained, issues like this literally happened in Cataclysm with the 2200 weapon and it was solved by simply setting the items obtained too early as level 86 and thus useless.

I doubt they’d ever roll an entire server back multiple days after sitting on their hands bro they’re sillybillies but I think even that is beyond their power level.

Dead wrong

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The Devs disagree with you. No one was even close to full gear. Now if somehow you have different proof please screen shot it and send it too him for us too see.

Yeah I agree just make this season uncapped and let everyone play. Probably wont happen but the gear disparity will only last a few weeks. FULL gear with a 2200 wep is only like 7~ caps and the season is slated to end around Oct/Nov so there’s going to be a window where absolutely no gear disparity exists for title pushing.

Unfair advantage for a few weeks sure, but it wont have an impact on titles

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Ty Kaivax for reply. MVP.

Yeah I agree

No one cares about Titles lol. People care about gameplay. It matters when BGs, RBGs and overall PvP gameplay is effected.

What gameplay are you referring to? Arena or BG?

Because Arena gameplay is 100% about pushing rating, ultimately to chase a title or climb as high as you can before the season ends. Gear disparity caused by a blizz fumble doesn’t affect that the entire season. There’s literally no gatekeeping besides 2.2k which is very easy to get if you’re a decent PvPer due to rating inflation. You can quite literaly lose every single game and still cap every week and there’s only so many pieces everyone can buy so its not like at the end of the season people who got to get extra gear early are going to still have more gear than you after you buy everything.

BG gameplay is never fair, as there’s always going to gear gap, or a skill gap, or bots so like how does a small portion of the population having more gear than everyone else for a few weeks actually affect the game?