Conquest to Gold

Does the game still convert 10 Conq to 1 Gold at the end of the season,
got 50000 Conq on both my mages ad dont feel like sepnding 3 hours buying/selling box gear for $2 worth of tolken gold,
Buying wands or off hands and selling them is tedious, they should at least have some kind of consumable can use them for, lame

It either converts to like 1 silver ea or nothing.

There’s also collecting conq mog for alts

thats vendor where the upgrade guy is in pvp quarter?, got all those
and have no alts other than 2 mages

So yeah nothing to do with it then

Nope. Use it or lose it. Buy boxes, open em, vendor the items.

I have so much useless conquest I wish I could get something out of it.

Nah buy boxes, save them then they turn into the 200 gold sellable items next season.

Is that confirmed? In dragonflight they were either 50g or you couldn’t use them depending on the season.

I still get some from df s4, when I open them now it give me a df s4 item.

They changed the system where it gave you a 200gomd Grey item.