I totally disagree with you. It was 10 wins that’s it to cap conquest in MoP. And MoP pvp was so much fun, I took a break but came back for season 15, had 30k conquest to catchup, spammed in trade chat “lf conquest cap” and met tons of people capping their 10 wins and moving on to the next. Hunter, mage, and rogue all caught up in 1 weeks time. Funnest I ever had in WoW
But why is it a good change? I thought 25 conquest per win was a good thing or are you admitting the system was bad
Now double honor, and add a conduit vendor and we’ll maybe getting somewhere.
oh now I like that idea. that’s actually brilliant for catching up and it makes capping for mains quicker if they don’t wanna do a full on queue session
Cool, but imagine not increasing this $#!% by a minimum of 400% imo.
i’ve been spending my vault reward on the coins to buy 1500 codex research for sockets
conquest would be nice too
The “system” wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t perfect…nothing is. Everything could use improvements. I consider this buff to be an improvement.
Do you have any peer-reviewed studies to back up those claims?
This is really good, I hope this continues and they increase it by another 40% to equate to mop/wod levels and then make it so I just farm honor gear without needing 59 renown that would be amazing.
yes, please find the referenced paper in Transactions on Warcraft Systems august edition, written by Dr. Flithron, PhD
That idea is solid but I don’t think there is anything wrong with the weekly vault other than making it like bfa and having your pve choices and a separate cache for pvp. That way I’m not stuck picking either what I need for pvp or raid
Worked for years in libraries. Favorite periodical title was Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, or PNAS. Huhuhuhhuh PNAS.
When you can farm currency, such in the case of pvp, we don’t need raid-style RNG in our gearing.
What happens as a result is you feel bad for purchasing the more expensive conquest items, because the most efficient way to gear up is to spend conquest currency on cheaper gear and hope that the more costly conquest gear drops in your vault each week.
When you don’t get anything useful in a weekly vault, it feels awful. You potentially put in hours of work pvp’ing to earn nothing as a reward.
When a vendor exists to sell you your gear, you don’t need random, you need currency to buy that gear. It’s very simple.
If anything, the vault should provide an option to choose gear or conquest currency each week.
Funny timing … Almost as if they had other new MMOs set in other worlds.
But you can only spend the conquest if you do rated material.
They just don’t get it do they.
This is blatantly incorrect.
My mistake. You can buy the first set of unrated conquest gear.
Then you can build up a vast amount of conquest that can only be spent on rated gear.
Better ?
No, it’s not “rated gear”.
It’s conquest gear. You upgrade conquest gear with honor, and this requires rating in rated pvp, yes.
In reality, conquest currency becomes useless once you’ve acquired every piece of conquest gear because it has nothing to do with upgrading to next levels.
This is why honor eventually ends up being a more valuable currency
Great change for casual players who won’t get above 1800 anyhow.
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
Win or Loss, both counted towards the 10 games played. Those were the days…