This is a much needed change of pace. I can’t say exactly that they’re doing this as a sign of listening to us given the circumstances, but a needed change nonetheless.
WarcraftDevs on Twitter: “With scheduled weekly maintenance in each region, Conquest rewarded by all activities will be increased by 70%.” / Twitter
EDIT: Kaivax beat me to it apparently, but a link to their thread as well as confirmation if Twitter isn’t your thing. 
Conquest Earnings Increase – Sept. 28 - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (
I really wish they increased honor as well. I’ve decided to jump into PvP this season and honor farm really killing my motivation.
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Honor isn’t necessarily bad to earn imo, but I wouldn’t mind an increase to that as well. I prefer gearing alts through PvP than constantly spam dungeons/raids.
I personally didn’t mind the grind the first time around back in 9.0 but at this point it’s not very enjoyable with all the gear gaps and generally losing experience on alliance.
I am actually surprised they heard us.
No joking i wasn’t hoping for something like that till next year lol.
New World is launching!!! Guess they realize a lot of PvP players will be there. Only 3 hours till NA severs go up. Already 390k viewers on Twitch for only EU servers. Today will be a crazy day! Good luck out there grinding to all my new adventurers in New World…
Time to brew a pot of coffee!
This will be a nice change. Just get the daily wins on each character and get that base level conquest gear. Finally you’ll be able to survive in casual content without doing rated. Ya know, until you get 1-2 shotted by the broken classes who were already 1-2 shotting you. Oh wait, we’ve only pushed the boulder slightly up the hill.
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as a fresh 60, this is a much needed change. I wasn’t looking forward to farming 300 2s wins. Now I only need 184 lol. Still alot, but much better for sure.
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They could have hot fixed this six months ago but decided now with New World launch. Why do they do this?
They really need a new lead for WoW that is more pro active than reactive.

I think we all wanted this for a long time. Conquest gear should not take a whole season to obtain. I know why they did that, and I know why they’re doing this now. Its a welcomed change nonetheless.
Now fix Archivist research.
I don’t care how much conquest they offer, bgs are still unbalanced, unbearable and unfun.
Can’t say I’ll be playing New World, as good as it looks. I just don’t want to sink more time into another MMO. FFXIV was great, but I had already devoted so much time to this game. Once I leave WoW that’s it for me personally.
Now this I can always make time for.
I’ll never care for another MMORPG the way that I’ve cared for WoW these past 12+ years.
I’ve played them all; ESO, Guild Wars, Runescape, City of Heroes, Final Fantasy, DC Universe, Allods, Black Desert, The Old Republic, Star Wars Galaxies, Neverwinter… You name it. I always come back to WoW. If the day ever comes where WoW ends and we don’t have a WoW 2 or a Starcarft/Diablo MMORPG, then that will probably be the end of MMOs for me.
not enough for me to care. casual pvp conquest is still bogus. casual pvp is still a nightmare without gear. rated pvp requires premades that takes forever to put together and people leave after every loss for the most part.
Ok, so just did an RBG to start off. 260 cp from the win, completed the weekly rbg quest for 170cp right there, more than 1250 honor earned so vault slot 1 unlocked in one game. Feels good man.
Now would love to see the weekly cap bumped up from 550 to like 750 or something. <3
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Oh, this is nice. I thought it was because it was a weekly event or something, but this is apparently a permanent change. I like!
I guess I don’t have to worry too much about missing this week’s Brawl.
Honor gear prices are being reduced by 25% which is nice but still not enough.
It’s probably too late because Rank 7 Honor will be the same as Rank 1 CQ in 9.1.5.
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No. Participation metrics are way down. Players are unsubbing. That’s the only thing they respond to.
They were looking for a way to help people already on the ladder. Surely the benefits will trickle down to bring PvP back to full glory.