Conquest Earnings Increase -- Sept. 28

No, I didn’t.

Here’s what I said:
Got to use/abuse many sources of easy Honor progress that are no longer available or sheer exploits


  • Got to use many sources of easy Honor progress that are no longer available, or
  • Got to abuse many sources of easy Honor progress that are no longer available, or
  • sheer exploits

Only the last part involves anything remotely comparable to cheating.

I’m not sure why you’re attributing a thought to me that I didn’t have, and didn’t say?

Several people specifically went out of their way to unlock certain things (like BoP or Prestige) on multiple characters specifically to have those skins/tints on multiple characters. They didn’t need to have a belief in later changes to personally do what they were required to do to open up cosmetics for their alts/characters. That’s not even touching things that were account-wide, e.g. (Dungeon Hero, even though the character had to do BoP first, or the bug that let every character use Hidden artifact tints but Blizzard chose to let people just have it).

That said, (and I repeat, I didn’t say this, but you brought it up), people have been farming things for years on the hope that Blizzard would open up the transmog system. Legendaries comes to mind rather quickly.

Plenty of people still playing? I just logged off after sitting in que for BGs for almost an hour, been like that all day. Only got to play 4 BGs.
There isn’t hardly anyone playing.


If you want to make a real change to the game remove the rating gate for Conquest gear upgrades.


Agreed, I was in classic Ashran yesterday evening for probably an hour or two, I think at most we had like maybe 20 people and at one point a lot less than that for quite some time. The queue time was around 30 minutes or so just to even get in.

Idk if that’s a good indicator for the rest of the bgs or not, since I really don’t bg anymore, but I do remember during season 1, bgs were always packed.

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