Im sure you would have gotten alot higher if you had time to increase your characters power. Losing because your character is weaker due to not wanting or having time to run 16torghast wings is not fun, For me anyway.
Thing is I never lost because my one piece of gear was missing the very small amount of stats that is the difference between 210 and 235.
That’s like…not even 1k hp or 50 dps increase, when the rest of your gear is up to date.
These things don’t matter as much as you think they do.
I find it hard to believe you have 8 alts with maxed conduits and full gear minus some ranks on your lego while claiming you have very little time to play.
Of course I don’t. Why would I need that on anyone? My main here doesn’t even have that lol.
See, this is the problem I’m referring to. You for some reason think you have to be 100% optimal to do anything. That just isn’t the case, especially not in pvp. You doing 1% more damage because you maxed your conduits isn’t going to win you games, or even really help in a pvp setting, I’d be very impressed if it did, arena matches are rarely if ever that close.
Agree to disagree, I suppose.
If you want to play at high rating it certainly matters, and in no way is it close to 1%. Upgrading a single conduits for rdruids alone can give you 3% bonus healing, maybe more
As late as mid-Legion they were still telling us that honor would continue to be by character, and the Prestige system would become old content for players to go back and complete.
It was about a month previous to the prepatch they implemented account-wide honor. I had only gotten to Prestige 20 on one character before quitting, because at that time there were no rewards announced for the future. However, I had earned appearances on 7 druids. So I was way ahead of many who just did one character when that change came.
I was still bumped down to honor level 117 or so. I knew that if I didn’t make HL 250 before the prepatch, I would simply stop, because there was no way I was going to re-earn past rewards I already had.
So I did FFA PvP WQ’s basically around the clock for a month. 10 druids and 5 rogues. I made it.
HL 400 is the pet.
I don’t think the people in charge of these changes are getting the point, which points at the root of the problem. Either they don’t get it, or they don’t care, or maybe both. The problem is the rating gates and the gear itself. So you increase conquest gains, ok, but not everyone wants to play competitively, especially casual players or some people with a pile of alts, and i am sure your sub losses reflect this (which i am very sure is the only reason why you guys are making these changes in the first place).
it has been said plenty of times before:
1 honor set
1 conquest set
no rating system for pvp gear
This is nice and all but honor could really use a buff as well or just slash the cost of upgrading gear so you can actually get and upgrade starter pvp honor gear in a reasonable time frame.
They are watching the top of the pyramid and touching up the gold painted trim on the cracks, not noticing the foundation crumbling from the bottom up.
Pretty sure lots of people who are that high got it in legion by doing the world pvp towers you can get like 200 honour in a few mins without even killing another player and there was like 4 a day per character.
Nope. I was max prestige on a character, and half way on another character, and sprinkled throughout a bunch of other ones too. When the honor conversion happened, they immediately set people back far. Even with as much prestige as I had across my account, I was knocked down to honor level 227. I was infuriated because it wouldn’t let me use my tactician title until I hit honor level 300, and it just vomited me a duplicate horse at 250. Angry beyond balls.
Plenty is subjective.
Actually warden towers gave 300 honor. There were 3 of them. It was a reward for doing PvP while flagged. Sometimes you actually did run into enemy players on those. Free for all world quests gave 500 honor. There was pretty much a guarantee you’d run into PvP on those. There were 4 of them, rotating every 6 hours, but sometimes canceled due to invasions.
And then there were world quest autocompletes, one per 18 hours. Some classes had these. Some people rolled those characters just to complete PvP world quests. Others picked other quests. I talked to one guy who was using them to autocomplete pet battles.
None of this was an exploit.
But even during Legion there were people who had earned all their honor doing PvP, people who didn’t do PvE.
I was pretty driven on that project. The grind never stopped. Every missed opportunity was honor you could never get back. It took 3 years to get that achievement. I completed it in BfA by joining an Alliance 110 PvP community and spamming bgs.
Yeah, I remember the first time somebody noticed that mount while I was camping Sha of Anger. They were like, “How did you get that mount???”
A “You don’t have this mount” moment.
I mean, this is a laughable sentiment considering a significant portion of the people at high honor levels:
- Got a massive boost up when Blizzard consolidated into the Honor system we know, pooling progress across multiple characters.
- Got to use/abuse many sources of easy Honor progress that are no longer available or sheer exploits, e.g. Legion/WoD, or wintrading.
I’m not suggesting everyone who has high Honor used exploits, or abused game mechanics, or anything like that, but there are certainly significant portions of people who literally got an automatic handout, or didn’t have to do it “the hard way”.
This is false. Most people did not do PvP on lots of characters during Legion. Doing so would have meant losing progress on their main. We had been told honor would never be account wide, so there was no honor benefit expected.
These were features intended to encourage people who did not normally do PvP to try it out for the purpose of earning Prestige awards. Using features exactly as designed and intended is not an exploit.
People who got involved in honortrading early in BfA were banned or had all honor removed.
What WoD “exploits” are you referring to, pray tell?
Even though I actually had up to Prestige 20 on one character and 2 on 7 others, which I only did because I wanted appearances we were told would never be account wide, still I was only up to HL 117 in the conversion, and would have had to earn past 3 mounts I already had before getting to the point I was at by the end of Legion.
Prestige was a persistence reward. It was never intended to reward elite PvPers for elite achievements, though of course, as always, there were demands that all the good stuff should go to the elites and people who like to grind out rewards should get nothing.
Your honor level is only 92. What’s your beef? It’s been 5 years and you want a free handout?
It was repeatedly pointed out to us in the forums that Prestige was supposed to be a lifetime achievement that one should not expect to complete during Legion.
It was a horrible grind, one of the worst in the game. Every day you missed was honor you could never make up.
“Most people” aren’t at super high honor levels either, so I don’t know where you’re going with that.
I wasn’t suggesting that people did it with the expectation of getting good progress, or future account-wide progress. They just lucked out. I personally know a few who didn’t do any actual PvP, but did do enough between the World Quests and what not to unlocked 2-3 tints on all 12 classes (I forget what the thresholds were now. Was it Prestige 8 or 9 for the second tint? Whatever it was). That was their only actual goal; they just happened to make out like bandits when the switch to Honor happened.
Side note: I don’t recall any moment where they “told us” or “promised” that Honor wouldn’t be account wide. People didn’t know how it would work when it was on PTR iirc, and there were people who speculated it would just use the max, but I can’t recall any Blizzard posts claiming so.
What WoD “exploits” are you referring to, pray tell?
whoops, that was a mistype. Was meant to be BFA.
These were features intended to encourage people who did not normally do PvP to try it out for the purpose of earning Prestige awards.
They weren’t really intended for the purpose of being able to cash in easy account-wide progress though. I specifically separated out “use”, “abuse”, and “exploit”, because the gamut runs across that spectrum. I certainly went out of my way to make it clear that it wasn’t something I was implying players necessarily did dishonestly (except for the actual exploits).
I was only up to HL 117 in the conversion, and would have had to earn past 3 mounts I already had before getting to the point I was at by the end of Legion.
FWIW, several people I know started off at 300+ the moment they logged in on every character after that patch. I can’t recall what the highest of the people I knew was, I feel like it was 440-something? I might just be misremembering there, it was a while ago.
Your honor level is only 92. What’s your beef? It’s been 5 years and you want a free handout?
I literally don’t PvP, no desire to PvP, and have no stake in anything PvP.
I don’t know why you think any discussion has to be based on some ulterior motive of gaining anything. I just responded to someone’s comment about “hard work” and “fairness” with some history.
You said that people who were playing Legion and using the system as designed were cheating.
It was Prestige 5. Did you not know or are you exaggerating while trying to convince people who don’t know that what you’re saying is true?
Did I write down the date? No. Do I remember seeing it said more than once? Absolutely.
I think that originally they planned to end the program with Legion, but participation was so poor that would have meant that next to nobody completed it. The Prestigious Bloodforged Courser is one of the rarest mounts in the game that is still available.
You forgot to mention Ashran, still a great way to get honor if you have all day to do it over and over. At 143 now. Cant believe there is a pet called Sir Snips you need honor level 400 to get. One day…
Getting conquest faster is nice but I wish they would have raised the cap just a tad.
I literally didn’t. I even re-clarified in that post you just quoted:
went out of my way to make it clear that it wasn’t something I was implying players necessarily did dishonestly
I can’t help you if you want to have an imaginary conversation to something that wasn’t said.
It was Prestige 5. Did you not know or are you exaggerating while trying to convince people who don’t know that what you’re saying is true?
Literally right before that, I typed the words I forget what the thresholds were now.
Did I write down the date? No. Do I remember seeing it said more than once? Absolutely.
I’m not finding anything on Google, FWIW. I can find several mentions from people saying they don’t know whether the honor conversion will be max-character or account-wide when it goes live.
I think that originally they planned to end the program with Legion,
For Prestige? Every implication I can think of from the time was that it was something they wanted to experiment with as a longer-term solution. Even Honor as it became coming out of Legion is just one iteration, which is very much subject to change if they ever think of a “better” one they want to try out.
You said they were exploiting/abusing Legion features.
I’ll give you a hint. At the start of Legion they told us that all appearances were going to be character-locked. That includes Balance of Power and Prestige. A lot of people didn’t work toward them because they wouldn’t be able to use them on their alts. They would have if they’d been told the truth.
I’m not sure why you are thinking that anyone would have any reason to assume that appearances that definitely were character-locked at the start of Legion would be relaxed later.