Conquest Changes

I already did that for fun

I just keep winning

Now if they could just remove the toxic Great Vault from the game. Weekly RNG has Zero place in the game.

That’s absolutely wild. Why on earth does it need to be this complicated. That’s just crazy. In Cata all Arena wins are 250 conquest and 50 for a loss. They need to just keep it simple.


Since pvp doesn’t award the vault any more, does that mean they remove the gems you can spend tokens on? I really don’t want to have to run dungeons to get gems in my gear. Also, I enjoyed getting 3k gold a week with tokens when I was done gearing my character…

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Probably a JC thing now.

Considering LFR and Timewalking/Heroic dungeons count now worst case scenario you spend 14 minutes a week per char maxing out pve vaults for sockets for pvp.

these numbers a joke but thankfully, this is one of those things you’ll see the youtube/twitch talking heads complain about which will likely lead to a relatively significant increase

i can understand their thought process assuming we still get 2 free crafted pieces at the season start, a free tier piece when hitting 1600, and the wPvP gear to fill in the gaps, but no one wants to farm 4k conquest week 11 for BiS