Conquest cap system is dumb and makes no sense

Cap before this stupid post legion crap, use to only be 10 wins. That was it. 10 2s you were done, maybe like 2 or 3 more if you were higher cap.


Totally agree … this system is what it is .


I just remember a time I loved to pvp and got to do nothing but. Never feeling that I should be grinding for that next RNG casino lever (read as corruption/tf/wf/etc).

I miss that time


And now it’s like 4-5 rbg wins.

And almost 30 2s


If Blizz is dead set on the current conquest bar cap system, then they could dramatically improve it by allowing conquest to go over 500 when you are catching up. You could be at 495, win an Epic good for 65 and poof, 60 conquest wasted.

If you are catching up, allow it to go over and still count!


I am not getting conquest in Ashran for events =(

Just useless honor (which would have been awesome if I could buy blue gear with it… but no)

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2s are quick anyway.

That’s the brawl … it never ends so I am not sure how we get the daily conquest from it

Yeah in competitive PVP it should not exist, although some classes benefit more than others say the versa boost ones

So there’s that

Still feel it should be done away

In random non competitive PVP (read not tourneys) Corruption is fine ( would prefer not to be in game but it is)

Nzoth pretty much is the Anti PVP God lol

I used to log in most evenings and spend all night spamming random BGs chasing HKs, BG achievements, and salt from enemy players. I always enjoyed it even if it was a steamroll loss. The last time I felt that way was probably mid Legion. Legion was ok but the class fantasy garbage really tarnished it for me and certain changes to the PvP systems were not good.
BfA has been a downer of an xpac in general, but 8.3 has completely killed it for me due to corruption effects. I have no fun in PvP now because of it. I do not want to win because my passive RNG corruption proc’d and did 75% of my damage. Zero challenge or thrill in that. I logged in last week thinking I might do a few BGs but then logged out not even a minute later when I remembered “oh yeah, corruption”.


For sure , well said @Herc

Lol coincidentally enough corruption has made Mythic+ more enjoyable

Wod was not fun to me at all. Thankfully, the AV premaders showed their faces around here. Legion, I spent every single night queuing randoms, both Horde and Alliance side. One of the best random BG expansions in a long time. This expansion I’ve been doing a lot of rbgs, which has been fun. But I think it comes down to the people I play with more than anything.

Still was only 10 games

And now it’s 4-5 RBGs.

It actually does make sense in that they want people to keep playing the game.

I see people sometimes mocking others by saying conquest is sooo easy to cap. Yet I then see people complaining that they have to grind through the 440s to get to the good stuff.

But it’s easy right? All you had to do was keep up (play the game casually).

They get people to play by having fun/rewarding content. I played more vanilla-wod than I did legion or bfa. Endless chores is not how you keep people playing.

It’s usually not the same people saying both those things.

Keep up? If you’re also trying to keep up on everything else? What about new/returning/alts? Try stringing together 35 2s wins when you’re rocking 400-420 gear. Takes forever.

System is garbage man. Pure hot dog dodoo

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You have so many options to cap than just 2s…

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I’m not saying it’s a good system, just trying to say what it is. This is just me but: I had to make a decision if I wanted to keep playing WoW PvP casually. What was the best way to gear - given that I don’t do dungeons/raid/rated - and I decided the best (only) way was to fill the conquest bar. I had to either do that chore every week or stop playing. So if people decided to stop playing, they will have to ‘grind more’ to catch up which only makes sense.

Keep in mind, I’m not arguing that conquest bar gear is very good. It’s a means to an end for casual players like me. I would imagine most people would prefer to do PvE or push arena to get better gear.

Ehh, maybe you’re right. I have seen more folks in game asking about the 460 weapon and being somewhat crestfallen over having to do the catchup.

Again I’m assuming a lot of PvPers are not like me and enjoy arena/RBGs (and probably even do mythics), so I tend to think they might have better avenues for earning conquest/gearing…