Conq gear for honor plz

I played very little of S4 and besides my rogue, the rest of my characters are in mainly 515 greens.

It would be nice if they made conquest gear available for honor and let us enjoy some alts/be fully geared before the expansion launches. Feel like they used to do that iirc, no?

And it actually gives a reason to play retail in the off-season for the next month.


Conquest is easy to get.

You’re whining over non-issues.

@blizzard please do this.

Hardly whining there bud. It’s a reasonable request.

I’ve played plenty of DF. Conquest isn’t necessarily hard to get, but it’s definitely time consuming especially as a dps simply due to q times.

It’s end of expansion/pre-patch. They’ve done it before, I don’t see why not. It’s miserable qing up against full bis players in honor greens.


I 100% disagree with you. Right now my pally and druid are in greens since I didn’t play in like 2 seasons now and both my mmr on druid and pally 2.3+ its a struggle atm. Would be easier if i could reset mmr


No, it’s actually pretty easy and not to time consuming. Fully geared prob 4 toons in the last week and a half without even trying.

You’re the only one who feels that way. There’s zero reason not to.

Not everyone plays this game full time :slight_smile:

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Actually asked this in another thread, but I’m in a similar boat (full 515):

“I’m trying to play this mage now – in full 515 gear. So… would you say my optimal way to catch up on gear is to play rated BGB until I hit 1400, not spend any conquest until then, and then buy a bunch of these Draconic Equipment chests? (sorry to my teammates) … excepting the crafted gear, right?”

Imagine assuming I play full time just because I said it’s not time consuming to gear.

Keep whining, don’t think their changing it. Enjoy the prepatch :wink:

It’s a waste of time to try to grind conquest on multiple characters right now when it’s gonna be replaced in a month.

Time investment isn’t worth it vs what you get out of it. I’d rather just be able to purchase it with honor and have some fun.

Otherwise i’ll just play classic or other games. But thanks for your input Sir White Knight!


No problem friend. Glad I could help. Have a great day