Connected Realms

Who are our connected realms?


Emerald Dream is not connected to any realm.

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I thought it was connected to us lol

A “connected” realm is essentially more than one realm that is effectively merged with each other (share the same AH, able to join guilds from the other connected servers).

Maelstrom, Lightninghoof and Veco are examples of realms that are “connected” to each other.

Maybe Iconic is thinking of something else (sharing shards, for example).

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We share shards with a hand full of smaller rp realms.

Maelstrom, Ravenholdt?, Steamwheedle, etc.

But not in the main cities, unless they are pulled with a group.

Youll only see ED in Stormwind, Org, Oribos etc.

yes this pls

Venture co,

Somehow sharding makes the world seem smaller tbh I remembered a lot more ED players out in the world in the past. Also warmode cut out a ton of wpvp, you used to have to go out in the world no matter what and face pvp.

When you join every and every maw group is WM off… Pfft have been forced to solo the group quests for 2 weeks in a row :sob: