Let’s connect the Zaralek flightpaths to the network on the Dragon Isles. Seems like an easy connection, even if they all route through Teerakai.
Edit: Thread made irrelevant by Sendryn who is a saint.
Let’s connect the Zaralek flightpaths to the network on the Dragon Isles. Seems like an easy connection, even if they all route through Teerakai.
Edit: Thread made irrelevant by Sendryn who is a saint.
Umm, they are. You click on the zone marker to the right and it takes you outwards to the Dragon Isles.
Trying it now. Doesn’t work.
Whoa, people are using flight paths?!
The only time I do is if I need to make poo
How does it not work? You click on the flight master, click on the zone marker and select a flight point.
Go to the flightmaster, the map opens up with flightpaths. Go to the bottom right corner. It’s inconspicuous for unknown reasons, but that bottom corner when you click it is the Isles if you’re in the Caverns or it’s the Caverns when you’re in the Isles.
I didn’t find it all that inconspicuous, it even flashes. Maybe because I was used to using such zone markers in earlier expansions where we were sent somewhere off the main map, and I’m usually the first one to miss the obvious.
Holy crap. Thanks, man.
So you manually fly places, rather than alt-tabbing?
Mine does not flash.
I don’t remember there ever being different maps to click on for connected flightpaths.
Anytime! You’d be surprised how many honestly don’t know that’s there.
Id say its 50 50.
Its not exactly hidden so i would expect most players would naturally just see it on their own.
But i can understand how someone might miss it. I dont think i spotted it myself until i actually tried to view the cavern map while in valdrakken.
I was just flying down myself and then noticed there were flightpaths. And I’m like, “those seriously can’t just be for the Caverns itself.” So I purposely went looking for it. But I’ve had a lot of people ask in general and trade chat.
Generally. It’s actively fun.
While Argus wasn’t connected by flight paths, it was a separate map so I guess I just sort of connected the dots, visually.
Because Blizzard is only second to Bungie at being bad at telling people what to do in a UI.
For me, the regular map is often way more prominent to me, but I honestly don’t remember my Broken Isles map looking like that. I need to go check this now. You have me curious!
And I’ll have to show you what my DF flightpath one looks like, because I have a couple of nitpicks with it that I’d like to see if that’s an addon somehow doing it or if yours looks the same. Give me a few and I’ll nab some screens to share with you.
I read this and suddenly had a weird hybridized flashback of some Blizzard employee accidentally routing everybody through Oribos.
The O’Hare airport of WoW
Okay! So this is my flightmap for the Isles:
Two things that annoy me:
I dunno if I’m expecting more of pleyers’ observance abilities but I dunno how anybody could miss that great big obvious map area next to the main Dragon Isles map which clearly says “Zaralek Caverns” on it, even for my level 59 which obviously hasn’t got there yet.
Clicking on it shows flight points. For me, my immediate reaction was to check with my flight master and see if they were connected to those flight points. Which of course they are. Shrugs Maybe my brain just works differently sometimes, because I often miss obvious things and get all embarassed about it…