Congratulations on destroying raiding!



So sick of entitled M+ players wanting the entire game handed to them for failing to time a key.


Its good. Now you’ll get people who like raiding in raids.


Implying that gear actually drops from anything in this xpac.


No. Actually casual content is much worse for gearing up. There is nothing for casuals to do but chores, and the gear will not get you into any groups whatever.


There is a weekly cap you cannot spam m+ all day and get full raid equivalent gear instantly. Raiding will probably still be faster than m+. This change allows m+ players to have a deterministic path for getting gear instead of just depending on RNG. They should add a similar system to raiding tbh.


Let him rage… he’s just showing his ignorance and that he only read the first sentence or so vs the whole thing… He’s only making himself look bad


Let me guess, you saw ‘Valor Points’ in the blue post and didn’t read any further? I guess it pays more than I thought to be an early complainer.


You can still farm M+ all day, and I never said you could get it instantly. M+ remains an easy source of infinite loot. Weekly cap doesn’t change anything other than slowing down how quickly you can upgrade the loot you get for failing to time a key.

Rubbish, you are just trolling at this point. Raiding often drops nothing at all for the entire weekly clear. Raiding doesn’t reward failing a key. Raiding doesn’t give you an artificially inflated ilvl piece from the GV for failing to time a key. It doesn’t give you anything for failing.

Yes it does, which is exactly my point. It just completely invalidates raiding for gear. M+ already effectively does outside of mythic, and this just seals the deal.

If they put a weekly lockout on M+ loot like they should, it would be different.


Loot as a whole is the issue.

Mythic+ players keep saying they have it harder, Raiders keep saying that have it harder… when in reality drops are broken across the board.


Raiding outside of
Hall of fame level is boring.

Literally no one wants to spend 9 hours a week pulling nerfed bosses that we saw get killed on twitch.

The fun of the content should be main reward and drive. Not Becuase I need to raid to get my slappers in order to be viable in pvp and m+

There are plenty of people that don’t want to run ADHD timer based content 24x7 too, where the only real difficulty is picking the right fotm meta class.


lol just get good though, now i can spend 2 hours failing an 8 dos and get points to upgrade my gear instead of spending 2 hours in a raid getting 0 gear


The infinite loot is capped at a max of 210 (for a +15 which is probably much harder than a heroic boss kill anyways) this means that heroic raiding still gives better gear than m+ baseline. We will have to see how much the upgrade cost and weekly cap is to really know how the speed compares.

As it is now m+ will only give you a single potential upgrade from the weekly vault. With the cap of 210 ilvl, you quickly get to a point where you cannot get upgrades from runs. So to get 3 choices (which aren’t even guaranteed to be upgrades), you have to do 10 m+ runs which wont even give you an upgrade from doing them.


Don’t forget that for failing that DOS not only do you get points to upgrade your gear, but you get a guaranteed item at the end of the week that’s 3 ilvl’s higher than standard heroic nathria loot! All for failing an 8 key.


Except so far valor will only work upon mythic+ loot. So unless you are a mythic raider what’s the point? Do all instances to 10, that is heroic ilvl. Do 15s across the board, will that is better than anything you can get from raiding outside of mythic.

Raiding under the mythic tier would be pointless outside of hunting for achievements once you over gear it.


What? Huh? I mean… I can’t even…

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You are mad at the wrong people and frankly you should be happy for the players that were left out too.

But rather than celebrate a win for your fellow players you’ve decided there is nothing in it for you, so let’s burn the place down and hate on the improvement.

That’s silly.

Now I do understand your frustration, and I feel that Raiders will see some love also, you deserve it, though likely in a later patch, as the uproar, I’m sure is only just starting.

The dramatic tone is fun, especially as you’re dressed like Butterflyman, but I don’t think raiding will be destroyed if you have another gearing avenue.

Good luck!


You don’t get to argue it both ways. Either you can whine about loot from bricked keys, or you can whine about the 220 upgrades, but the people who are bricking 14s and the people who have KSM from pushing challenging content are not the same set of people.


Do you realize lots of people raid for the experience and achievements, not the loot?

The improvements to m+ help many raiders.