Congrats to Method

They should listen to both, but one shouldnt take priority over the other. It bothers me that “influencers” can change the landscape for everyone or that they have more opportunities to submit feedback, making them heard more. It makes me wonder how many things in the game have changed over the years because however many times a year the influencers go to Blizz for their meetings. Also, they kept the classic beta announcement quiet but let the influencers know and play ahead of time. Why?


The good thing about not being an USA or EU boy is that I can simply congratulate the winner without having a crisis of national pride.


I completely agree with you, Limit had to put his chat in Sub only chat for a while because of how toxic Method EU fans were talking, at that point it’s not sportsmanship, they were just kicking US while we were down.


Both regions got the hotfix at the same time did they not? So both had equal opportunity. Unlike the 24H difference between release dates for the raid in the first place.

I honestly don’t agree with the changes mid race, but if it’s necessary I guess there is not much you can do.

Does feel bad having such an advantage and then having the hours of extra experience be irrelevant though.
Although weren’t Limit and Method neck and neck in terms of % prior to the hotfix being released?

Personally I heard that Method wasn’t too interested in Classic and it was dependent on what was occurring on Live at the time as that is their priority.

Still though that doesn’t sound like Blizzard designing content around Method. That content is being released in the same manner that was initially, there are not meant to be any changes that particularly favour Method, in fact there are not meant to be any changes at all.

These people play the game professionally, they do it for a living. Of course they are going to put in more hours and more work than the average player does to achieve what they achieve.
That’s how the world is supposed to work.


Meh they always win. I can care less.


Good job to Blizzard for helping them with the nerf, too. They couldn’t have done it without you!


Well, they clearly weren’t well designed for anyone else!

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How about they take suggestions from average raiding guilds who aren’t in contention for world firsts? That way the world first race doesn’t get tainted.


Way to insult Limit man

It wasn’t necessary, though. Limit was making it through the phase, albeit sporadically; only Method needed the nerf. It wasn’t like Ashvane where there were actual bugs.


Tinfoil hat much. Some salty NA players here. Its a game, grow up and get over it. Dont hear limit crying they didnt win. The nerf happened in both regions at the same time with both having the same amount of time with the nerf and limit still couldnt get it done 1st. They are great players but obviously were outplayed


For me, it had nothing to do with the specific teams. If Method had been the team making it through the phase and Limit won, I would still have objected just as much.

Bosses shouldn’t be nerfed mid race. Wait for reset and let people gear up. This is the kind of stuff that makes it pointless to pay attention to world first races.


I agree if limit had won under these conditions I still would call for a do over Blizzard never should’ve changed it as I said it wasn’t a glitch nor an exploit after all limit made it through just fine so why couldn’t method?

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Actually with how much that Method is willing to spend in real life money. I see them doing it.

Method has become the Patriots of of the world first race.
They win, nobody is that surprised and few actually care.


Well in this case it makes Method’s win invalid and illegitimate. As Blizzard seems to want to “determine” the winner maybe it is time to stop the World First madness.


I get where you’re coming from, but Millions care about the Patriots - there are record books and history attached to this. How many thousands care about this?

I mean relative to scale.
There are more Dallas Cowboy fans than people who watch the world first race.


I just think its hilarious that after Blizzard nerfed it both metgod and limit downed it. Should have let them struggle a bit longer.


I am pretty sure the strat Limit was using that made them momentarily ahead, wouldn’t have actually gottem them the win.

It was a short term solution that dealt with the current phase, but ignored how it would not work for anything after it.

So were they ahead? Sure. Technically. But they weren’t going to get any further.