Congrats to all 2100+ in first 2 weeks. RIP the rest

  1. Recommend changing garrote back, adding blacket 5% dmg inc on rogues
  2. Make deathmark a self buff instead…
  3. Let us transmog our daggers to other 1handers

I highly doubt anything will change since they are focusing on TWW. However, I have some hope…right now we are the least played class. We have to be swift and perfect or we lose. Ive been playing my loc and its like easy mode. I just love rogue but I am taking the easy road until they change. Good luck ranking in solo shuffles.


Sub is next to impossible to play for the setup required for kills and all the zugzug in soloq, plus needing to get all the mastery gear back. Why struggle so hard for a kill when you can mostly do your pve rotation from the other 2 rogue specs, or other classes all together and have more uptime.

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