Congrats Blizzard

You have successfully nerfed tank shaman into the ground.

How is your threat generation and mitigation looking? Bummer about the damage though. I do like spicy tanks.


It’s about time.


Thank god lol


Tanks are for tanking, enh is 4th you should reroll and dps if you want to see numbers


You have to do damage to generate threat.

No you don’t lmao

tank abilities always have huge threat modifiers on them, just look at abilities like Revenge that literally do like 10 damage, but generate more threat than a Sunder.


Well that doesn’t apply to sham tank, they generate no threat anymore. Feels like P1 feral druid before the lacerate buff

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We told them this when they nuked RB AP instead of limiting it to main hand.

Shamans had a big AP boost to their weapon because they rely almost entirely on melee auto attacks. (And this held true with the SoD version too because mana recovery isn’t something they get much of in rage.)

They don’t have attacks like Heroic Strike or Sinister Strike/Mutilate (Which adds a bunch of AP worth of damage to the attack with) …that’s WHY they had the big AP on weapon. I got ignored and/or laughed at when bringing it up as though I was just trying to protect the stupid WoE/2xRB PvP meta. (Completely ignoring that I hated that meta and recommended RB just be limited to Main hand, though initially One Hand.)

I’ll tank dungeons because AoE tanking is still fine if not good.
But I don’t bother with Raid tanking after P2 ended, we have a shammy off tank for ST, but he’s just there to hold the mob nobody is on or to taunt off MT as needed for a few seconds. We don’t rely on this threat gen.

This was an L for Blizz.

charts dont matter to me, im just a simpleton ranged hunter and its finally fun and I am having a good time


while this is true to a degree, there are also massive threat modifiers for tanks that make damage less important.


Notice only alliance is happy about tank shaman nerfs. Imagine being happy that a class is having pve struggles purely out of hatred for the opposing faction.

This doesnt affect shamans in PVP so why are ally celebrating?

Its undocumented, but a while back there was a threat nerf to Molten Blast. Previously had a 1.6x threat mod, but today it has a 1.1x threat mod. Compounded with the rockbiter nerf, the spell does an insignificant amount of threat now.

I did not know that, that’s awful.

I guess it’s a good thing I enjoy SoD Enhancement DPS then…good lord.

Yup. Shamans also make awful off tanks. Earth Shock is meant to generate a ton of threat, but it currently doubles as our taunt. That means Shamans cannot generate much threat without straight up taunting off the other tank.

Yeah, our OT is a Shaman, and he’s just there to taunt off of the MT for stack resets or to hold the “other dragon” over there while we DPS the one the warrior is tanking,

Blizzard definitely screwed up here.

oh no, shaman aren’t OP in something :expressionless:


Now imagine the problems shamans will face in molten core. Fire and earth resistances, mobs doing unblockable spell damage, no defensive cooldown whatsoever, and mana and threat problems galore.

ok so don’t tank MC :expressionless: shaman aren’t entitled to tank every instance

There won’t be Shaman tanks in MC.

(And after P2 Traumatized them, half the player base is okay with that.)

Hey wait a second…

Didn’t I see you whining and complaining HARD about Warriors not being viable tanks in Gnomer?
Or was that the other warriors all bleating about not being viable tanks in Gnomer…

I realize SoD might have changed the way you think, but warriors are the actual tanking class :expressionless:

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