Congrats Alliance, you retailed AV

clearly the map has no issue as to whether you win or lose, i think others have pointed this out. your own faction is pointing this out by winning EVERY game yet the cave has not moved.

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Alliance went from 99% loss rate to 99% win rate, OVERNIGHT…i wonder what happened? (Rhetorical question…we all know its because of discord being used to sidestep Blizzard’s attempt to stop premades in AV)

Cave didn’t move
Nothing changed…just discord and coordinated queue/premade.



Most “rush Drek” games are pure PUGS with no discord comms. We don’t win because we are better in this meta, we win because YOU LITERALLY LET US GET TO DREK UNOPPOSED.

We have seen what happens when horde harrases us on the way: 90% horde win rate. But horde has finally realized they get more honor and rep per hour when they don’t play “scorched earth” because the games and their queue times become shorter in this meta.

Let me repeat. Alliance wins because horde lets us win. On purpose.


What on earth are you talking about? ‘Drek or kek’ only works because Horde allow it. Half the time, Horde still get more honor. If anything it’s displaying the stupidity of Alliance pugs.

Lately Horde haven’t been letting it happen though. As soon as AV weekend ends things will go back to the natural order: AV premades stomping a mud hole in Horde.


There is no 'letting’you win. we didn’t change. alliance did. you got on discord and did premades…and were stomping us…and we were getting zero honor often in hour long games after an hour wait.

So when you start rushing Drek and not stopping us at SHGY…guess what? ok.
we are getting honor now…some reward. it sucks but whatever…thats what cheating does. makes the game suck.

you have learned that its not the cave…you are all just doing the same thing. coordinated…thats all we were doing.

whether you are still in discord or not…doesnt matter. you are all doing the same thing (same effect as in discord). you could have done it all along…

the overnight change 99% loss to 99% win…is because of CHEATING…sidestepping blizzards desire and attempts to stop premades in AV. pure and simple.

yes we let you get to Drek unopposed for the most part because we are still reeling from the cheating. perhaps that will change…then what?

Back to discord probably.

shameful faction. you clearly can win on your own. but you dont.

By the way (quick edit) I was there in phase 2 as horde when the first round of cheating took place. premades and paladin bubble pulls over the waterfalls). so disgusting. I’m sure there are still you tube videos of it. it trained horde to give you nothing…and when you couldnt cheat anymore. thats what we did for a good 6 months. until this month…when you figured out how to cheat again.


Utter tripe.

People are queuing for the BG and killing the enemy general. That is literally exactly how it’s meant to be played.

You’ve clearly never played as Alliance. Up until recently, no matter where the Alliance went in an attempt to AVOID the Horde, the Horde would send their entire team to intercept.

The Horde BG chat in AV is filled with people calling out some Alliance getting past. Even a SINGLE Alliance getting past would result in the Horde sending back 10 people to kill them. They’d defend every tower, save every lieutenant, protect every graveyard, and force an hour long turtle fest.

Then… they stopped intercepting. Alliance takes towers. They cap graveyards. They kill Drek. Horde doesn’t come back to stop them. The game ends in 10 minutes.

It was entirely because Horde changed their behavior. They spent the better part of the last year utterly decimating Alliance with a 99.9% winrate by using their map advantage and Blizzard helping to destroy premades. Then they just let the Alliance past and suddenly the Alliance wins games. Imagine that.

Now there are so few Alliance queuing that the same team ends up together every time, and Horde doesn’t want to stop them because they’re actually getting 5-10 minute queues instead of multiple hours long.


I don’t even play classic anymore but you gotta love the “if horde always wins its cheating but if ally always wins its cause we deserve it get rekt horde noobs xd”


Oh they’re not on discord you say? Funny, cuz they move like a team that’s on discord and we should know, because Alliance only premade AV now on discord so we all know what that looks like because it’s been going on now for at least 1 month.

Why you gotta lie? BUT, if they’re really just pugs, as you say, goes to show ya that crying about the cave was never the issue. Alliance bad play was. You know, sitting at SHGY farming honor and rep for an hour and so on.

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Nobody really says Horde is cheating by having a map advantage. But a lot of Horde flooded the forums when they started losing because Ally were, “cheating” by using Discord to communicate.

There are probably still threads specifically calling it, “cheating” up.


Love that you overlook the fact that it took premades to overcome your massive map advantage. You were so close to putting that together! Your zugzug brain just needed a little help connecting the dots!


You are ridiculously wrong.

First, AV premaders (I am one of them) hate the Drek or kek meta that is going on. Puggers throw away good honor and when Horde break up the strat, it devolves into a usual pug.

Second, this only exists because of AV weekend. Every ranker or low level that wants easy honor gets on, follows whichever raid leader says ‘lol key or DrEk’ and as a result, the queue is too flooded to effectively premade.

So enjoy actually getting honor while you can because in a couple of days your fun ends.


congrats horde, you tried

I am convinced at this point that it is alliance players on alts making these threads, to make it appear like horde are the ones whining. Nearly always 0-1 post new forum characters doing it.

Wait, the map blamer cheerleading captain has a response to that:

I know. Psychologically though do you really think horde care if they lost when the numbers are higher vs getting the map turned blue. I can tell you flat out most of the horde do not care when they lose like that.

My point was the rush strat is boring.

It’s phase 6, not phase 2. Most people are done ranking.

Oh and for those who do care about HPH, it’s better HPH to pull all the LTs to tower point and zerg them down in 2 minutes vs sitting with a big group in front of Drek for 2 minutes doing nothing… but the ally pugs can’t seem to figure that out.


I attribute this shift in paradigm to the increased assess and usage of the Mark of the Champion. Works wonders on anything undead.

Yeah AV is boring as heck right now.


After reading what some people are saying here I’m going to go into games to defend only as my horde and screw with the alliance as much as I can and bring friends if I can.

I hated AV for like 10 months and then it became fun again but this rush strat is really stupid and it’s clear some people on here are still grinding honor for some unknown reason in phase 6. I’m going to try to screw with them and get other people to screw with them so it can go back to being fun. If not well it’s back to only doing WSG and AB.

I will not play my alliance in there. They are stupid and #1 They have no idea to pull the LTs to tower point and zerg down #2 They pull warmasters early and get us wiped at least 4/10 games.


“w-we’re not mad, you’re mad!”

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You guys are literally circumventing Blizzards no premade restrictions. Sure, it’s a clever way around their system but you’re all still circumventing it so calling it cheating is exactly what it is. Most allies on this forum are happy to boost about it while rubbing it in the Hordes faces so please stop with the victimization here.